
Fibre Ordering

BIC105: Customer Amends Order


Customer Amends Order


This process provides you with the ability to request a change to selected details in your order, ask us a question or respond to a question from us.

Related B2B Services

Preceded by

Succeeded by

Flow - Customer Amends Order



You receive a request from us, or your customer, to modify an order.


You receive our response to your amendment request.

Basic Path

1,2 Submit request to amend an order. Customer

Receive and validate the request.

If the request is invalid refer to alternate flow 1.


Validate that the order can be amended.

If the request is invalid refer to alternate flow 1.

5 Accept the order amendment. Chorus
6 Complete amendment and provide response containing result. Chorus
7 Receive the amend order response and action as required. Customer

Alternate Flow 1

3.1 Validate the request against the criteria described in Business Rules, Validation of Requests. Chorus
4.1 Validate the request content, if the order cannot be amended as requested, return an error response. Chorus
4.2 Return an error response explaining why the order cannot be amended. Chorus

Refer to the Exception Codes table for error details.

Business Rules

-- Validation of Requests

The AmendOrderType element defines the type of Amend Order Request, and determines how the request is validated for processing and content.

Validate Request

We process the following types of Amend Order Requests one at a time. This means that you must wait for the response to each request, before sending a subsequent request.


We process the following types of Amend Order Requests irrespective of any other Amend Order Request being processed:

Request content

We only process the elements that belong to the specified type of Amend Order Request, elements related to other request types be ignored.

Note: if you have changes that belong to multiple types of Amend Order Request, e.g. and appointment change and contact details, you must send them as sequential requests.

-- Order State

The following table shows the types of Amend Order Requests and the order states that will allow changes.

  • Acknowledged/Accepted
  • In Progress
  • Held
  • Service Given
  • Completed
  • Acknowledged/Accepted
  • In Progress
  • Held
  • Service Given
  • Completed
  • Closed
  • Acknowledged/Accepted
  • In Progress
  • Held


  • Acknowledged/Accepted
  • In Progress
  • Held
  • Service Given
  • Completed
  • Closed
  • Acknowledged/Accepted
  • In Progress
  • Held
  • Acknowledged/Accepted
  • In Progress
  • Held

-- Cancelled Orders

If we accept a request to cancel your order, i.e. Customer Cancels Order or Supplier Cancels Order, we will cancel any unprocessed Amend Order Requests.

Exception Codes

The Exception Codes table lists the exceptions that may be returned by this service.

For a full list of exception codes and their meanings see B2B Exception Codes.

000 The backend processing error encountered-if problem persists please contact Chorus admin
017 RFS validation failed: {%s}
018 Question Answer Failed: {%s}
019 Customer Order ID or Customer Reference ID not found
020 Appointment reschedule failed as charges may apply - Please resubmit & accept charges.
025 The attribute {%s} in the request does not exist or does not match the corresponding attribute in the Order record.
026 Request validation failed: {%s}
029 The Order State of the specified Customer Order does not support the selected action
030 The Order ID provided belongs to a different customer

Use Cases

The following use cases support this business process.

Click on the links to view the XML samples.

> Escalate Order

In this example, you use AmendOrderRequest: ESCALATE to escalate an order for medical reasons.

We respond to your message and keep you updated as the escalation is processed by sending:

  • AmendOrderNotification: ESCALATION_ACCEPTED to advise you that we have accepted your escalation.
  • AmendOrderNotification: SVM_EVENT to change the site visit scoping and install appointments.
  • AmendOrderNotification: ESCALATION_COMPLETED to advise you the escalation is complete.

Note: our escalation processes are available from: Managed Provisioning

Customer Amends Order: ESCALATE  

AmendOrderNotification: ESCALATION_COMPLETED

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Scoping Scheduled

AmendOrderNotification: SCHEDULED

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Scheduled

> Interaction - Withdraw Escalation

In this example, you use AmendOrderRequest: ESCALATE to escalate an order for medical reasons.

We respond to your message and accept your escalation by sending:

  • AmendOrderNotification: ESCALATION_ACCEPTED to advise you that we have accepted your escalation.

After further discussions with your end customer you withdraw the order escalation using AmendOrderRequest: INTERACTION.

We respond to your message and your escalation withdrawal by sending:

  • AmendOrderNotification: ESCALATION_COMPLETED to advise you the escalation is complete.

AmendOrderRequest: ESCALATE

  • Order details
  • Escalated reason
  • Escalated comment

AmendOrderResponse: ESCALATE

  • Order details
  • Escalated flag
  • Escalated reason
  • Escalated comment

AmendOrderNotification: ESCALATION_ACCEPTED

  • Escalated flag
  • Escalated reason
  • Escalated comment
  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: Acknowledged/Accepted

AmendOrderRequest: INTERACTION

  • Order details
  • Interaction text

AmendOrderResponse: INTERACTION

  • Order details
  • Interaction text

AmendOrderNotification: ESCALATION_DECLINED

  • Escalated flag
  • Escalated reason
  • Escalated comment
  • Escalation completion note
  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: Acknowledged/Accepted

> Escalate Order - Escalation Declined

In this example, you use AmendOrderRequest: ESCALATE to escalate an order for medical reasons.

We respond to your message and decline the escalation by sending:

  • AmendOrderNotification: ESCALATION_DECLINCED to advise you that the escalation does not meet the standard criteria

AmendOrderRequest: ESCALATE

  • Order details
  • Escalated flag
  • Escalated reason
  • Escalated comment

Customer Amends Order: ESCALATE

  • Order details
  • Escalated flag
  • Escalated reason
  • Escalated comment

AmendOrderNotification: ESCALATION_DECLINED

  • Order details
  • Notification details

> Amend Product Characteristics

In this example, you use AmendOrderRequest: CHARACTERISTICS to change Product Characteristics against an order.

Customer Amends Order: CHARACTERISTICS  


  • Order details
  • Product Offering
  • Product Characteristics current and new values


  • Order details
  • Product Offering
  • Product Characteristics

> Amend Order Details

Use case examples showing how to use Amend Order Requests to update order details are provided by:

> Amend Contact Details

Use case examples showing how to use Amend Order Requests to update contact details are provided by:

> Update Appointments

UsecaseexamplesshowinghowtouseAmendOrderRequeststoupdateappointmentdetailsareprovided by:

> Answer Questions

Use case examples showing how to use Amend Order Requests to answer a question are provided by:

> Respond to Create Order Notification Use Cases

The following Use Cases provide examples using the AmendOrderRequest to respond to orders we create on your behalf.

-- Answer - Disconnect Secondary

In this example, the CreateOrderNotification: INTENT_TO_DISCONNECT_SECONDARY_ABANDONMENT is sent to advise you that we intend to disconnect your secondary product as the location does not have an existing primary product.

  • you reject the disconnection using AmendOrderRequest: ANSWER
  • we cancel our order and send you AmendOrderNotification: IN_PROGRESS_INTENT_TO_CANCEL

The product must be promoted to a primary offer using Create Order Request, order type Change Offer.

Note: an order to promote an existing secondary product is treated with the same priority as an order to connect a new primary. This means that if two orders are created for the same ONT, we will process the order we receive first and reject the second order.



  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: Held/Provider to Advise
Customer Amends Order: ANSWER  

AmendOrderRequest: ANSWER

  • Question id
  • QuestionValue
  • AnswerValue
  • QuestionReference


  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: Held/Provider to Advise


  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Intent to Cancel

AmendOrderNotification: CLOSED_CANCELLED

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: Closed/Cancelled

-- Answer - Disconnect Abandonment (Accept)

CreateOrderNotification: INTENT_TO_DISCONNECT_ABANDONMENT message is sent to advise you that, due to another customer's order created to replace your product, we have created a disconnection order on your behalf.

In this example,

  • you Accept the disconnection using AmendOrderRequest: ANSWER.


  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: Held/Provider to Advise

AmendOrderRequest: ANSWER

  • Question id
  • QuestionValue
  • AnswerValue
  • QuestionReference


  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: Acknowledged/Accepted

AmendOrderNotification: CLOSED_COMPLETED

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: Closed/Completed

-- Answer - Disconnect Abandonment (Reject)

CreateOrderNotification: INTENT_TO_DISCONNECT_ABANDONMENT message is sent to advise you that, due to another customer's order created to replace your product, we have created a disconnection order on your behalf.

In this example, you check with your end customer and find that they are not moving.

  • you reject the disconnection using AmendOrderRequest: ANSWER with a reason.


  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: Held/Provider to Advise

AmendOrderRequest: ANSWER

  • Question id
  • QuestionValue
  • AnswerValue
  • QuestionReference


  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Intent to Cancel

AmendOrderNotification: CLOSED_CANCELLED

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: Closed/Cancelled

> Chorus Portal Amend

In this example, you use the Chorus Portal to amend your order characteristics.

We respond using the Chorus Portal to accept your request. On the B2B you will receive the following notifications:

  • AmendOrderNotification: AMEND_ORDER_COMPLETED to advise you amendment has been complete.
Customer Amends Order: CHARACTERISTICS  


  • Order details
  • Product Offering
  • Product Characteristics current and new values

AmendOrderNotification: AMEND_ORDER_COMPLETED

  • Order details
  • Product Offering
  • Product Characteristics
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Scoping Scheduled

> Use Case Exceptions

The following table describes the use case exceptions that support this business process.

Click on the scenario link to view the XML sample.

Customer Amends Order - ORDER_DETAILS request contains contact details

AmendOrderRequest is executed to change Order_Details. It contains fields associated to another AMENDORDERTYPE.

Only the changes associated with the AMENDORDERTYPE Order_Details type are processed.

AmendOrderRequest: CONTACT_DETAILS

  • Order details
  • End Customer name
  • Contact medium
  • Contact details
  • Order Email
  • Access and Equipment location

AmendOrderResponse: CONTACT_DETAILS

  • Order details
  • End Customer name
  • Contact medium
  • Contact details

Fields not related to AmendRequestType: CONTACT_DETAILS have been ignored.

Customer Amends Order - Request contains invalid Product Characteristics

AmendOrderRequest is executed to to change ProductCharacteristics.

The ProductCharacteristics provided do not comply with the product rules in the Chorus catalogue.


  • Order details
  • Product Offering
  • Product
  • Characteristic


  • Order details
  • Product Offering
  • Product Characteristic
  • Exception Message
Customer Amends Order - Order State does not support the selected action

AmendOrderRequest is executed to change the BillingAccount.

TheBillingAccountcannotbechanged after the order has been accepted.

AmendOrderRequest: ORDER_DETAILS

  • Order details
  • Product Offering
  • Product
  • Characteristic

AmendOrderResponse: ORDER_DETAILS

  • Order details
  • Product Offering
  • Product Characteristic
  • Exception Message
Customer Amends Order - Appointment change costs have not been accepted

Amend Order Request is executed to change a site visit appointment date.

The change will incur charges but the AcceptCharges element is missing or the value is false.

AmendOrderRequest: APPOINTMENT

  • Site Visit id type (Scope)
  • AppointmentSlot
  • StartDateTime
  • EndDateTime

AmendOrderResponse: APPOINTMENT

  • Site Visit id type (Scope)
  • AppointmentSlot
  • StartDateTime
  • EndDateTime
  • Exception message
Customer Amends Order Appointment - RFS validation failed

Amend Order Request is executed to change a site visit appointment date using an invalid RFS date.

The date used, may be in the past or not one returned by BIC004: Query Appoinment Availability.

AmendOrderRequest: APPOINTMENT

  • Timing name
  • Timing Date and Time

AmendOrderResponse: APPOINTMENT

  • Timing name
  • Timing Date and Time
  • Exception message
Customer Amends Order - answer contains incorrect values

AmendOrderRequest is executed to respond to an Intent to Cancel notification.

The request contains an incorrect answer field.

AmendOrderRequest: ANSWER

  • Question id
  • QuestionValue
  • AnswerValue
  • QuestionReference

AmendOrderResponse: ANSWER

  • Question id
  • QuestionValue
  • AnswerValue
  • QuestionReference
  • Exception message

Success Criteria

This section provides a list of the User Story References that we have met in this business process, as defined by the Ultra-Fast Broadband BSS / OSS Business Interaction Framework.

The document is available from:

Refer to the TCF website for documentation.

Request Success Criteria

US35 As a Service Provider I want to be able to add my own reference ID to a Service Request order so that I can easily match the order with orders in my own systems.
SC35.03 ServiceProviderreferenceisprovidedonallnotificationsregardingtheservice request order.
US44 As the Service Provider I want to be able to request a service order be fast-tracked so that I can coordinate complex installs with more flexibility.
SC44.02 The Service Provider can request to fast-track any open service request.
SC44.03 The Service Provider can notify the LFC of the preferred installation date.
US46 As a Service Provider I want to amend a service order via the OSS/BSS so I can save cost.
SC46.01 Service Provider can amend a service order via the SSP.
SC46.02 Service Provider can amend a service order via the B2B.
SC46.03 Service Provider provides the name of the staff member amending the service order. This field is mandatory.
SC46.04 Service Provider provides the phone number of the staff member amending the service order. This field is mandatory.
SC46.05 Service Provider can amend the Business Name of the End Customer of the service order. This field is optional.
SC46.06 Service Provider can amend the contact name of the End Customer of the service order. This field is optional.
SC46.07 Service Provider can amend the phone number of the End Customer of the service order. This field is optional.
SC46.08 Service Provider can amend the alternate phone number of the End of the service order. This field is optional.
SC46.09 Service Provider can amend the Site Contact Name for the service order. This field is optional.
SC46.10 Service Provider can amend the Site Contact Number for the service. This field is optional.
SC46.11 Service Provider can amend the preferred connection date.
SC46.12 Service Provider can amend a preferred installation time for the connection date.
SC46.13 Service Provider can amend the product required.
SC46.14 Service Provider can amend any additional products required.
SC46.15 Service Provider can amend the preferred ETP installation location.
SC46.16 Service Provider can amend the preferred ONT installation location.
SC46.17 Service Provider can amend alarms or other relevant products in use.
SC46.18 ServiceProvider can complete an additional notes field (additional installer instructions / health and safety information)ifrequired. This field is optional.
SC46.21 Service Provider can amend the UNI VLAN.
SC46.22 ServiceProvider can amend the name and contact details of the nominated primary contact person(s) to be contacted about the service request.
SC46.23 ServiceProvider can amend the name and contact details of the nominated person within their organisation to be contacted about escalations regarding the service request.
US47 As a Service Provider I want to be able to amend an order at any time so that I can meet my Customer’s need.
SC47.01 Service Provider can amend the service order up to and including the RFS date.
US62 As the Service Provider I want to amend the “Relinquish” service order so I can manage the order effectively.
SC62.01 Service Provider provides the name of the staff member amending the service request. This field is mandatory.
SC62.02 Service Provider provides the phone number of the staff member amending the service request. This field is mandatory.
SC62.03 Service Provider can amend the Business Name of the End Customer of the service order.
SC62.04 Service Provider can amend the contact name of the End Customer of the service order.
SC62.05 Service Provider can amend the phone number of the End Customer of the service order.
SC62.06 Service Provider can amend an alternate phone number of the End Customer of the service order.
SC62.07 Service Provider can amend the Site Contact Name for the service order.
SC62.08 Service Provider can amend the Site Contact Number for the service.
SC62.09 Service Provider can amend the preferred relinquishment date.
SC62.10 ServiceProvider can amendAM orPM as the preferred relinquishment time on the connection date.
SC62.11 Service Provider can amend a preferred relinquishment time on the connection date.
SC62.12 Service Provider can complete an additional notes field if required to alert to site specific requirements and health and safety issues.
SC62.13 Service Provider must enter the Service ID..
SC62.14 ServiceProvider can amend the name and contact details of the nominated primary contact person within their organisation to be contacted about the service request.
SC62.15 ServiceProvider can amend the name and contact details of the nominated person within their organisation to be contacted about escalations regarding the service request.
US300 As an LFC I want to know who to contact in regard to any OSS/BSS interaction (service request/order, problem report) so that I can ensure that I am getting information from the right source.
SC300.04 Service Provider can amend the name of the person or group within their organisation to be contacted regarding the interaction. This field is mandatory.
SC300.05 Service Provider can amend the phone number of the person or group within their organisation to be contacted regarding the interaction. This field is mandatory.
SC300.06 Service Provider can amend the email address of the person or group within their organisation to be contacted regarding the interaction. This field is mandatory.
US420 As a Gaining Service Provider I want the Losing Service Provider to specify the reason that they warn about the Transfer so that I can avoid accidental relinquishment of the wrong Product Instance.
SC420.01 Losing Service Provider notifies the LFCthat they wish to warn of incorrect Transfer details.
SC420.02 Losing Service Provider must provide at least one reason if they wish to respond to a Transfer notification.
SC420.03 Losing Service Provider can only select from an industry-agreed list of valid reasons for warning about the transfer.

The industry-agreed list of reasons for warning about a Transfer is:

  • Incorrect END Customer account number;
  • Pending disconnection;
  • Open Order.

Response Success Criteria

US35 As a Service Provider I want to be able to add my own reference ID to a Service Request order so that I can easily match the order with orders in my own systems.
SC35.03 Service Provider reference is provided on all notifications regarding the service request order.
US39 As a Service Provider I want standardised service order notifications from the LFCs so I can have consistent order management procedures across LFCs.
SC39.01 The LFCs agree on a common set of service order notifications which are captured in the business interaction framework.
SC39.09 The Order Reference Number is included on all order notifications.
SC39.10 The Service Provider Order Reference number is included on all order notifications.
SC39.11 The date and time are included on all order notifications.
SC39.12 LFC uses a formatted template for the notifications.
US40 As an LFC I want to validate the information entered within the service request on the OSS/BSS before the order is submitted so I can be assured of quality.
SC40.04 When a Service Request submitted via the SSP has failed the validation check, The LFC can highlight the fields which failed the validation check.
SC40.05 When a Service Request submitted via the B2B has failed the validation check, The LFC can send information on which fields failed the validation check.
US49 As a Service Provider I want to know if amending or cancelling an order is going to incur a cost so I can advise my Customer and charge them accordingly for any Customer initiated change.
SC49.02 Service Provider is told when amending the order of the charge incurred.
US50 As a Service Provider I want to receive a notification confirming that the service order amendment has been accepted or rejected so that I can manage Customer expectation.
SC50.01 Service Provider receives confirmation that the service order amendment has been accepted, or rejected, including the reason for rejection.
SC50.05 The notification contains the details of the service order as amended by the Service Provider.
US188 As an LFC or Service Provider I need all interactions relating to contractual transactions to have a guaranteed, verified delivery so that commercial disputes can be resolved factually.