
Our architecture and security guidelines describe our B2B Web Services implementation in terms of TCF BIF Web Services Specification, configuration and extension.

They will enable you to build to our interface in order to facilitate Pre-qualification and Fibre provisioning through a B2B channel using the TCF web services specification as a guideline for web service interactions.

Click on the links to review the documentation.

Architecture overview Provides an overview of our implementation, technology standards and environments.
Business and Transport Retry Settings Provides an overview of our B2B retry strategy.
Security Provides an overview of our security and a security implementation checklist.
Security Setup Information Describes the security configuration you need set up in order to integrate with our web services.
Generate a Self-Signed Certificate Provides a step by step guide to generate a self-signed certificate.
Message Diagnostic Header Describes the Message Diagnostic Header (MDH) elements and exception messages.
SOAP Header XML Provides examples of the SOAP header.
Message Diagnostic Header XMLs Provides examples of the MDH and error responses.