
Fibre Ordering

BIC102: Supplier Amends Order


Supplier Amends Order


This process provides us with the ability to notify you of a change we have made to your order or to ask you a question.

Related B2B Services

Preceded by

Succeeded by

Flow - Supplier Amends Order



We have a change to make or a question to ask you, regarding your order.


You respond to our notification as required.

Basic Path

1 Identify an order of yours that requires modification, or advice from you. Chorus
2 Modify the order and send a notification. Chorus
3 Validate the notification to determine the appropriate response. Customer

Use Cases

The following use cases support this business process.

> Order Progresses to Fulfillment

We keep you updated as the order progresses to completion by sending:

  • AmendOrderNotification: ACKNOWLEDGED_ACCEPTED to advise you that we have verified the network configuration details and accepted your order.
  • AmendOrderNotification: RFS_CONFIRMED to advise you that we have confirmed the RFS date. Note: State / Sub-State should be handled as a wildcard (*/*) because RFS_CONFIRMED can be used at various stages in the message flow.
  • AmendOrderNotification: SCOPING_SCHEDULED to advise you that we have scheduled the order scoping, this notification is sent for orders that require a scoping site visit.
  • AmendOrderNotification: SCHEDULED to advise you that we have completed scoping and have scheduled the install. It will include details of how we expect to configure the network.
  • AmendOrderNotification: SERVICE_GIVEN to advise you that we have completed the installation. It will include details of how the network has been configured.
  • AmendOrderNotification: COMPLETED_BILLING to advise you the order is complete and we are processing the billing. It will include the charges except for WYAH charges.
  • AmendOrderNotification: CLOSED_COMPLETED to advise you the order is complete. It will contain all charges including WYAHcharges.

In this example you have created an order to connect a Primary offer, the order progresses to completion using the standard order fulfilment process flow.



  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: Acknowledged/Accepted

AmendOrderNotification: RFS_CONFIRMED

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: Acknowledged/Accepted

AmendOrderNotification: SCOPING_SCHEDULED

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Scoping Scheduled


AmendOrderNotification: SVM_EVENT

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Scheduled

AmendOrderNotification: SCHEDULED

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Scheduled

AmendOrderNotification: SVM_EVENT

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Scheduled


AmendOrderNotification: SERVICE_GIVEN

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: Service Given/Service Given

AmendOrderNotification: COMPLETED_BILLING

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: Completed/Billing

AmendOrderNotification: CLOSED_COMPLETED

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: Closed/Completed
  • WYAH charges

> Order Requires Consent

In this example, you have an order that is in the state and substate In Process/Consent Required.

We keep you updated as we work through the consent process by sending:

  • AmendOrderNotification: CONSENT_REQUESTED to advise you that we have requested consent.
  • AmendOrderNotification: CONSENT_GAINED to advise you that consent has been gained.
  • AmendOrderNotification: NETWORK_DESIGN to advise you that we are designing the solution.

AmendOrderNotification: CONSENT_REQUESTED

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Consent Requested

AmendOrderNotification: CONSENT_GAINED

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Consent Gained


AmendOrderNotification: NETWORK_DESIGN

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Network Design

> Order Consent Declined

In this example, you have an order that is in the state and substate In Process/Consent Required.

We keep you updated as we work through the consent process by sending:

  • AmendOrderNotification: CONSENT_REQUESTED to advise you that we have requested consent.
  • AmendOrderNotification: CONSENT_DECLINED to advise you that consent has been declined.

AmendOrderNotification: CONSENT_REQUESTED

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Consent Requested

AmendOrderNotification: CONSENT_DECLINED

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Consent Declined

> Order Requires Network Design

In this example, you have an order that is in the state and substate In Process/Acknowledged Accepted.

We keep you updated with the network design process by sending:

  • AmendOrderNotification: NETWORK_DESIGN to advise you that we are designing the solution.
  • AmendOrderNotification: NETWORK_BUILD to advise you that your order requires network build tasks.
  • AmendOrderNotification: HELD_SCHEDULE_SCOPING to advise you that you need to schedule the scoping and install appointments with your customer.

AmendOrderNotification: NETWORK_DESIGN

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Network Design

AmendOrderNotification: NETWORK_BUILD

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Network Design

AmendOrderNotification: HELD_SCHEDULE_SCOPING

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: Held/Schedule Scoping

> Order Requires Investigation and a Quote

Use case examples showing how we notify you that your order requires investigation and send you a quote are provided by:

> Order Appointments Rescheduled

Use case examples showing how we notify you that we have updated an appointment are provided by:

> Advise You Appointments Require Rescheduling

Use case examples showing how we ask you to reschedule an appointment are provided by:

> Advise You of Intent Cancel Order

Use case examples showing how we notify you that we intend to cancel an order belonging to you are provided by:

> Ask You a Question

Use case examples showing how we ask you to update order details Correspond to a question are provided by:

Success Criteria

This section provides a list of the User Story References that we have met in this business process, as defined by the Ultra-Fast Broadband BSS / OSS Business Interaction Framework.

The document is available from:

Refer to the TCF website for documentation.

US38 As a Service Provider I want standardized service order states from the LFCs so I can have consistent order management procedures across LFCs.
SC38.01 The LFCs agree a common set of service states which are captured in the business interaction framework.
US39 As a Service Provider I want standardised service order notifications from the LFCs so I can have consistent order management procedures across LFCs.
SC39.01 The LFCs agree a common set of service order notifications which are captured in the business interaction framework.
SC39.09 The Order Reference Number is included on all order notifications.
SC39.10 The Service Provider Order Reference number is included on all order notifications.
SC39.11 The date and time is included on all order notifications
SC39.12 LFC uses a formatted template for the notifications.
US53 As a Service Provider I want to be kept informed if an installation will not be completed on RFS date so I can ensure a contingency plan can be activated if necessary.
SC53.01 Service Provider will be notified if the installation will not be completed on RFS date.
SC53.02 Service Provider will be notified of the reason for delay.
SC53.03 Service Provider will be notified of a new appointment date as agreed with Customer.
US63 As the LFC I want to be able to raise a service request on behalf of the Service Provider for “while you were here” work completed so that the Service Provider is kept informed.
SC63.01 The LFC has an approved process for raising a service request on behalf of the Service Provider.