
Fibre Ordering

BIC108: Supplier Notifies Customer Order Information Required


Supplier Notifies Customer Order Information Required


This process provides us with the ability to ask you for a decision or an update to an order belonging to you.

Related B2B Services

Preceded by

Succeeded by

Flow - Supplier Notifies Customer Order Information Required


You have created an order using BIC101: Customer Creates Order, it has passed the state and substate of Acknowledged/Received but has not reached the state of Closed.


Based on your response, we update the order and it continues through the fulfilment process.

Basic Path

1 Identify an update or decision required from the customer. Chorus
2 Change the state and substate of the order, send a notification to advise the customer of the steps required. Chorus
3 Receive the notification and determine the appropriate action. Send updates or answers questions using an Amend Order Request Customer

Use Cases

The following use cases support this business process.

Click on the links to view the XML samples.

> Provider to Advise Response

In this example we ask you to update the customer and site contact details in your order by sending:

Amend Order Notification: HELD_PROVIDER_TO_ADVISE message to advise you that we have put your order into held provider to advise while we wait for more information.

You respond using the following Amend Order Request types:

  • CONTACT_DETAILS- to update the customer contact details
  • ORDER_DETAILS - to update the site contact details
  • ANSWER - to advise that you have completed your response.

AmendOrderNotification: HELD_PROVIDER_TO_ADVISE

  • Order details
  • State&Substatus: Held/ProvidertoAdvise
  • Question id
  • QuestionValue

AmendOrderRequest: CONTACT_DETAILS

  • End Customer name
  • Contact medium
  • Contact details

Customer Amends Order: CONTACT_DETAILS

  • End Customer name
  • Contact medium
  • Contact details

AmendOrderRequest: ORDER_DETAILS

  • BillingInformation
  • Order Email
  • Access and Equipment location

Customer Amends Order: ORDER_DETAILS

  • BillingInformation
  • Order Email
  • Access and Equipment location

AmendOrderRequest: ANSWER

  • Question id
  • QuestionValue
  • AnswerValue

Customer Amends Order: ANSWER

  • Question id
  • QuestionValue
  • AnswerValue

Success Criteria

This section provides a list of the User Story References that we have met in this business process, as defined by the Ultra-Fast Broadband BSS / OSS Business Interaction Framework.

The document is available from:

Refer to the TCF website for documentation.

US35 As a Service Provider, I want to be able to add my own reference ID to a Service Request order so that I can easily match the order with orders in my own systems.
SC35.03 Service Provider reference is provided on all notifications regarding the service request order.
SC38.01 The LFCs agree on a common set of service states which are captured in the business interaction framework.
SC39.09 The Order Reference Number is included on all order notifications.
SC39.11 The date and time are included on all order notifications.
SC39.12 LFC uses a formatted template for the notifications.