
NGA Business Premium (Enhanced Bitstream 4)

Technical specifications

How it works

NGA Business Premium includes a number of individual components that collectively provide multi-class business grade access connectivity between you and customers. Dedicated point-to-point access to our congestion-free UFB network means bandwidth is always there when you need it. This service provides an access Ethernet private line (Access-EPL) that allows up to 4094 VLANs to be passed transparently from a customer’s premises to your network. These VLANS allow simple to complex wide area networks to be configured and managed efficiently. How? By addressing issues such as scalability, security and network management.

You can configure NGA Business Premium to be single class (where all traffic is treated as high traffic class) or multi-class (which supports both high and low traffic classes):

  • High traffic class is premium grade, high-performing bandwidth intended to be used by inelastic applications that have significant latency constraints, such as VoIP. This class can be selected or modified per service request from a pre-set range of values.
  • Low traffic class provides a high-peak speed bandwidth and is intended to be used by elastic Internet applications that are not latency or jitter sensitive, such as browsing and email.

how it works

You can now choose a Glass-only termination option, ie NGA Business Premium Glass. NGA Business Premium Glass is preferable at sites with environmental constraints such as limited space or access to power. Glass-only means the service is delivered to an SCA connector or an ITP, which is simply plugged into the customer’s CPE via a compatible interface, usually a Small Form Pluggable (SFP).*

*A suitable patch cord from the ITP/SCA to the CPE needs to be provided by the customer.



NGA Business Premium is a lifecycle replacement for HSNS Premium.


Both NGA Business Premium and HSNS Premium have a NID (NGA Business Premium)/MCR (HSNS Premium) and Glass-only (both products) option to enable you to choose the best termination type for your customers.


Geographic Availability Summary

  • It’s available in Chorus UFB completed areas (please note that property access consent may be required).
  • On application, it will be available in*:
    • UFB areas where Chorus has been awarded UFB but rollout has not been completed;
    • LFC areas where Chorus has not been awarded the UFB contract;
    • Greenfields fibre sub-divisions.

* In some cases additional build charges may apply and will be confirmed following application.

  • It’s not available anywhere else.

Set-up requirements

You need a UFB Handover connection and point-to-point fibre access off our UFB network.


You can place an order in the Chorus Portal.

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