
We are crediting the Hyperfibre ONT upgrade fee

With blistering speeds of 2, 4 and 8Gbps* we believe Hyperfibre is the future! 

We’re starting to see innovative Retail Service Providers launch great Hyperfibre promotions and that’s something we are keen to support. So, to help encourage early adopters of this evolutionary technology, we’ve decided to extend our current Hyperfibre ONT upgrade fee credit until 30 September 2023.

*8Gbps speeds are available in selected exchanges only 


How does the promotion work?

Service providers will receive a credit equal to the ONT upgrade fee for any orders placed for Qualifying Connections until 30 September 2023 (the offer period).


Terms of the Offer 

The following terms apply to the offer: 

  1. Term and termination: The offer runs from 1 April 2022 to 30 September 2023 unless terminated earlier (“Offer Period”). 
  2. Extensions, withdrawals and amendments: We may extend the term or the scope of the offer with 30 days’ notice. We may withdraw the offer or restrict its scope before the termination date. If this occurs, we will try and consult with you and we will give you 60 days’ notice unless we’re required to withdraw or restrict the scope of the offer due to an external event, in which case the notice may be shorter. 
  3. Eligibility: The offer is available for orders placed through the Chorus Portal for new connections to Hyperfibre (including upgrades from a GPON service to Hyperfibre) during the Offer Period where Hyperfibre is available (“Qualifying Connection”). The offer is not available on existing or intact Hyperfibre connections (which would not incur an ONT upgrade fee anyway). 
  4. Credit contribution: You will be charged an ONT upgrade fee (currently $199) but receive a $199 credit in the following month from the date of the invoice for each Qualifying Connection. Each month we will identify the connections which meet the criteria for a Qualifying Connection in the preceding month and will apply a credit for each Qualifying Connection. 

Early termination credit recovery: We may require you to repay any credit we have paid to you under this offer on a pro-rata basis for any connection that disconnects or moves off a Hyperfibre plan within 12 months of the date of  “service given”. 



Please refer to your account team if you have further queries.


  • ONT upgrade fee credited back to you
  • Your customers can upgrade to Hyperfibre without worrying about ONT upgrade fee

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