
Fibre Ordering

Customer Creates Order

ThisB2B service allows you to create an order to purchase or relinquish a product offer, make changes to an existing product instance, and to lock in appointments.

Related Business Process

Related Product

This service is available for fibre products.


The data elements and attributes that may be used by this service are described below.

Order Elements

The order elements contain Order header information. The following table describes the Order elements.

id Mandatory I/O Order identifier returned by Query Order Feasibility.
BillingInformation Mandatory I/O Order billing details.
customerReferenceId Mandatory I/O Your unique order reference number for matching this order to your records. It cannot be altered once the order is submitted and must be present in all requests relating to this order. We will return it in all responses and notifications (including email notifications) and on the bill for the order.
type Mandatory I/O Type of order.
retainCopper Mandatory I/O Flag to specify if copper should be retained.
CBSDocumentReference Optional I/O Document reference provided the Chorus Solutions team.
Document Optional I/O Details of an attached document, e.g. bespoke design document.
OrderRole Mandatory I/O End customer's name or organisation.
OrderEmailNotification Mandatory I/O Email details for order notifications.
OrderItem Mandatory I/O Details of the order items.

Order - BillingInformation Elements

The following table describes the BillingInformation element.

billingAccount Mandatory I/O Your billing account value. This value cannot be changed once the order has been submitted.
billingEffectiveDate   O Date of billing for recurring charges.
Charge   O Charges for the order.

Order - BillingInformation - Charge Elements

The following table describes the values provided by the Charge element.

category Category of the charge.
description Description of the charge, e.g. Business 1, Standard CSE. For quotes the description will contain the quote number, e.g. Quote #: 134.
productId Product ID for a product, e.g. ASID if it exists, or FBN if it exists for the order. This will not be populated for quotes or variable charges.
chargeType Type of charge for the category, e.g. Recurring, One Time.
unitCost Unit cost in dollars ($)forthe category selected. This can be based on hours, quantity etc. Data type = decimal
quantity Quantity of category selected based on unit cost. Data type =decimal
value Total value in dollars ($) of the category selected. Data type =decimal

Order - BillingInformation - Charge - ChargeType Elements

The following table describes the values provided by the ChargeType element.

One Time  
Order - type

The following table describes the values provided by the type element.

Connect Primary New connection for a primary product offer, where there is no existing primary product offer at the location.
Connect Additional ONT New connection for a primary product offer, where there is an existing or pending primary product offer at the location.
Connect Secondary New connection for a secondary product offer, where there is an existing primary product offer at the location.
Connect and Replace New Connection for a primary product offer, where there is an existing primary product offer at this location, which must be disconnected, and replaced by your incoming order. This order type is used when your end-customer is moving into a property and assuming ownership.
Disconnect Primary Disconnect of a primary product offer, where there is an active product instance.
Disconnect Secondary Disconnect of a secondary product offer, where there is an active product instance.
Change Offer Change of an existing product offer for an existing product instance – for the same RSP, end customer and location.
Modify Attribute Modification of product attributes of an existing product instance.
Modify Attribute Order a CSE for an existing product instance.
Move Primary Move your existing offer to a property where there is no existing primary product offer at the location. Note: If consent is required at the new address you will need to complete Disconnect and Connect orders instead of a Move.
Move Additional ONT Add an additional ONT as part of the move.
Move and Replace New Connection for a primary product offer and disconnection of an existing customer product offer at a different location. Where there is an existing primary product offer at this location, which must be disconnected, and replaced by your incoming order. This order type is used when your end-customer is moving in to a property and assuming ownership.
Transfer Primary Transfer of an existing primary product offer from another RSP to the Gaining (requesting) Service provider – for the same end customer and location.
Transfer Secondary Transfer of an existing secondary product offer from another RSP to the Gaining (requesting) Service provider – for the same end customer and location.
Order - RetainCopper

The following table describes the values provided by the retainCopper element.

true Copper is to be retained, e.g. alarm monitoring or voice over copper.
false Copper is not to be retained
Order - Document
documentName Name of the document.
fileAttachment Attached item. Data type = base 64 Binary.

Order - OrderRole Elements

The following table describes the OrderRole element.

name Mandatory I/O PartyRole description.
Party Mandatory I/O Party fulfilling the role.
Order - OrderRole - name

The following table describes the values provided by the name element.

End Customer The role name for the end customer who is requesting service from you.
Order - OrderRole - Party

The following table describes the values provided by the Party element.

name Name of the individual or organisation.
Order - retainCopper

The following table describes the values provided by the retainCopper element.

true Copper is to be retained, e.g. alarm monitoring or voice over copper.
false Copper is not to be retained

Order - OrderEmailNotification Elements

The following table describes the OrderEmailNotification element.

email Conditional I I/O Email details for order notifications.
requestNotify Mandatory I/O Flag to specify if you would like to receive notifications by email.
Order - OrderEmailNotification - email

The following table describes the values provided by the emailAddress element.

emailAddress Email address to receive order notifications.
Order - OrderEmailNotification - requestNotify

The following table describes the values provided by the requestNotify element.

true You want to received email notifications.
false You do not want to received email notifications.

Order - OrderItem Elements

The OrderItem elements contain details of the Order items. The following table describes the OrderItem elements.

id Mandatory I I/O Order item identifier.
action Mandatory I I/O Type of action to be performed.
state   O Used to manage the order progress.
substate   O Used to manage the order progress against each state.
ExistingProviderDetail Conditional I/O Existing provider and product details.
Timing Conditional I/O Timing information for order items.
ProductOffering Conditional I/O Chorus catalogue product offering details.
Product Conditional I/O Product details.
SiteVisit   O Appointment details.
Place Mandatory I/O Provide site access details.
Order - OrderItem - action

The following table describes the values provided by the action element.

new Creates or connects a new product for the customer. Note: this includes moves and transfers.
modify Modify or change the characteristics of an existing product.
relinquish Relinquish or disconnect an existing product.
Order - OrderItem - state and substate

Orders are managed using status and sub-status. The status changes as the order progresses and when scoping and installation work is carried out. Not all statuses apply to all orders.

The following table describes the values provided by the state and associated substate elements.

Acknowledged Received The order has been received by Chorus.
  Accepted The order has been checked and is accepted for provisioning.
In Progress Consent Required Consent is required before this order can be progressed.
  Consent Requested Consent has been requested.
  Consent Not Required It has been determined that a consent is not required for this order.
  Consent Gained Consent has been gained.
  Consent Declined The consentrequest has been declined, orit was not obtained within the required time.
  Generate Quotation A quote is being generated for the order.
  Intent to Cancel Chorus has advised the intent to cancel the order and provided a reason for the cancellation.
  Network Design The network design is currently in progress.
  Network Build The network build is currently in progress.
  Scoping Scheduled Scoping for this order has been scheduled.
  Scheduled The order install has been scheduled.
  Investigation Required Identified as a potential multi dwelling unit (MDU) or right of way (ROW). Investigation is required.
Held Waiting on Quote Acceptance A quote has been created and is ready for your acceptance.
  Schedule Scoping Scoping for this order is to be scheduled.
  Schedule Install You now need to schedule the required installation date.
  Intent to Cancel Chorus has advised the intent to cancel the order and provided a reason for the cancellation.
  Provider to Advise You need to provide information to Chorus before the order can progress.
  Pending Disconnect Acceptance  
Service Given Service Given Installation work is now complete. The end user should now be able to use the service at their location.
Completed Billing Billing is now complete.
Closed Rejected The order has been rejected.
  Cancelled The order has been cancelled and closed.
  Completed The order has been completed and closed.

Note: An order is placed in the Held stage when we are waiting for an action to be completed by you.

Order - OrderItem - ExistingProviderDetail

The ExistingProviderDetail elements contain details of the existing provider (RSP) and product being replaced. The following table describes the values provided by the ExistingProviderDetail element.

productId Product identifier for the product being replaced by the successful completion of the order.
existingProviderName Chorus system name for the customer who owns of the product that is being replaced.

Order - OrderItem - Timing Elements

The following table describes the Timing elements.

name Mandatory I/O Description of the dateTime value.
dateTime Mandatory I/O Date and time value.

Date and time values use the xsd:dateTime format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+[UTC offset, e.g. 12:00].

Order - OrderItem - Timing - name

RFS dates and times are sourced from BIC004: Query Appointment Availability.

The following table describes the values provided by the name element.

CONNECT_RFS_DATE_TIME Service connection dates.
DISCONNECT_RFS_DATE_TIME Service disconnection dates.
ORDER_DATE Date and time of the order feasibility request.

Order - OrderItem - ProductOffering Elements

The following table describes the ProductOffering element.

id Conditional I/O Chorus product specification catalogue product offering identifier.
name Conditional I/O Chorus product name from the catalogue.
Product id Conditional I/O Chorus product identifier from the catalogue.
ProductCharacteristic Conditional I/O Chorus product specifications from the catalogue.
Order - OrderItem - ProductOffering - ProductCharacteristic

The following table describes the values provided by the ProductCharacteristic element.

name Chorus catalogue product characteristic name (Sheet:Chr Lists; Title: Value).
value Chorus catalogue value or inventory identifier.

Order - OrderItem - Product Elements

The following table describes the Product elements.

id Conditional I/O Product identifier.

Order - OrderItem - SiteVisit Elements

The appointment details will be returned for orders that have site visit booked. The following table describes the SiteVisit elements.

id   O Site Visit identifier
bookable   O Indicates if the site visit is bookable.
type   O Purpose of the site visit.
AppointmentSlot   O Appointment start and end dates and times.
Order - OrderItem - SiteVisit - bookable

The following table describes the values provided by the bookable element.

true Site visit appointment can be booked.
false Site visit appointment cannot be booked at this time. We will use the Notification touchpoint to request that you book an appointment once the order reaches to correctstate.
Order - OrderItem - SiteVisit - type

The following table describes the values provided by the type element.

Scope Site visit for scoping.
Install Site visit for Installation.
Install/CSE Site visit for Installation and Customer Service Experience.
CSE Site visit for Customer Service Experience.


Order - OrderItem - SiteVisit - AppointmentSlot Elements

The following table describes the AppointmentSlot elements.

dateTime   O The array of state and end dates and times
Order - OrderItem - SiteVisit - AppointmentSlot - dateTime

The following table describes the values provided by the dateTime element.

startDateTime Start date and time.
endDateTime End date and time.

Order - OrderItem - Place Elements

The Place elements provide the location and equipment access information. The following table describes the Place element.

id Mandatory I/O Location identifier.
Access Optional I/O Free text field to enter site access information.
EquipmentLocation Mandatory for orders for Business and Education market segments. I/O Free text field to guidance on the location for the equipment installation.
PlaceRole Mandatory I/O Order contact information.
Order - OrderItem - Place - Access

The following table describes the values provided by the Access element.

description Provide any specific site information for the technician, e.g. dog on site, rear building, check-in at reception, specific sign-in process at data centres, health and safety procedures and certificates required on site.
Order - OrderItem - Place - EquipmentLocation

The following table describes the values provided by the EquipmentLocation element.

description Guidance for the technician on where the equipment is to be installed on-site, e.g. install ONT to the wall in the garage.

Order - OrderItem - Place - PlaceRole Elements

The PlaceRole elements provide contact details for the location. The following table describes the PlaceRole element.

name Mandatory I/O Used to add the contact type/role of the order contacts.
ContactMedium Mandatory I/O Medium for contacting the party fulfilling the PlaceRole.
Party Mandatory I/O Party fulfilling the role.
Order - OrderItem - Place - PlaceRole - Party

The following table describes the values provided by the Party element.

name Name of the individual or organisation.

Order - OrderItem - Place - PlaceRole - name Elements

The Place Role elements are used to add role types for the order contacts. The following table describes the name element.

Note: Market Segment codes and Consent requirement values are provided by Query Product Offer availability .

Site Contact Mandatory I/O Contact type for the primary contact on site and familiar with the order. This person must be aware that a site visit has been booked.
Additional Contact Optional I/O Contact type for used if the order requires a contact person not covered by the other contact types.
Order Contact Mandatory for orders for Business and Education market segments. I/O Contact type for the administrative person for the order.
IT Contact Mandatory for orders for Business and Education market segments. I/O Contact type for the IT contact person for the order.
Legal Owner Optional I/O Contact type for the Legal Owner of the location.
Body Corporate Optional I/O Contact type for the Body Corporate contact person for the order.
Property Manager Optional I/O Contact type for the Property Manager contact person for the order.

> Order - OrderItem - Place - PlaceRole - ContactMedium Elements

The Contact Medium element is used to add contact details for each of contact types you defined using the PlaceRole - name element.

The following table provides details of the ContactMedium element.

preference Mandatory I/O An integer greater than zero used to specify a preference against the telephone numbers.
Telephone Mandatory I/O A telephone number for contacting the party fulfilling this PlaceRole.
Email CondItional I/O An email address for contacting the party fulfilling this PlaceRole.
Name Mandatory I I/O The name of an individual or organisation.
Order - OrderItem - Place - PlaceRole - ContactMedium - preference

The following table describes the values provided by the preference element.

1 The main phone number to use when calling the contact person. Use this value if you are only providing one phone number.
2 Alternative phone number for the contact person.

Create Order Request Details

Service Name


Service Inputs

The following fields are mandatory for requesting this service:

  • OrderRole
  • Order id
  • Order type
  • billingAccount
  • customerReferenceId
  • retainCopper
  • OrderEmailNotification
  • OrderItem id
  • OrderItem action
  • Place
  • PlaceRole

Thefollowingtableshowsthepossibleorderscenarios,thevaluesofOrder-typeandOrderItem-action fields, and the additional mandatory input criteria / fields.

Note: the ProductCharacteristics names and values must comply with the values and rules defined in the Product Offer/Specification Catalogue. If you are updating an existing product use the values provided by Query Site Information.

Connect Connect Primary new
  • Product Offering id
  • Product Characteristics ONT id, if connecting to an existing ONT
  • Timing, if a site visit is not required
Required for each new product offering.
  Connect Additional ONT new
  • Product Offering id
  • Product Characteristics
Required for each new product offering.
  Connect Secondary new
  • Product Offering id
  • Existing Provider ProductId, of the Primary product
  • Product Characteristics
  • ONT id, if connecting to an existing ONT
  • Timing
Required for each new product offering.
  Connect and Replace new
  • Product Offering id
  • Product Characteristics
  • Timing, if a site visit is not required
  • Existing Provider ProductId, to be replaced
Required for each new product offering.
Move Move Primary new
  • Product Offering id
  • Product Characteristics
  • ONT id, if connecting to an existing ONT
  • Timing, if a site visit is not required
Required for each new product offering.
  • Product id
  • Timing
  Move Additional ONT new
  • Product Offering id
  • Product Characteristics
Required for each new product offering.
  • Product id
  • Timing
  Move and Replace new
  • Product Offering id
  • Product Characteristics
  • Timing, if a site visit is not required
  • Existing Provider ProductId, to be replaced
Existing provider's productId, must match an active product id in our product inventory for this location.
  • Product id
  • Timing
Modify Change Offer new
  • Product Offering id
  • Product Characteristics
  • Timing
  • Product id
  • Timing
  Modify Attribute modify
  • Product id
  • Product Characteristics
  • Timing
Used for modifying an existing product instance.
  Modify Attribute modify
  • Product id
  • Timing
Used for ordering CSE by itself.
  • Product Offering id
  • Product Characteristics
  • Product id
  • Timing
Disconnect Disconnect Primary relinquish
  • Product id
  • Timing
  Disconnect Secondary relinquish
  • Product id
  • Timing
Transfer Transfer Primary new
  • Product Offering id
  • Product Characteristics
  • Timing, if a site visit is not required
  • Existing Provider ProductId, to be transferred
  • ExistingProviderName
Existing Provider ProductId, must match an active product id in our product inventory for this location. ExistingProviderName must match a value in the Chorus Customer managed list.
  Transfer Secondary new
  • Product Offering id
  • Product Characteristics
  • Timing
  • Exisiting Provider ProductId, to be transferred
  • ExistingProviderName
Existing Provider ProductId, must match an active product id in our product inventory for this location. ExistingProviderName must match a value in the Chorus Customer managed list.
Message Handling Specifications
MEP Synchronous call with Acknowledgement.
Inputs Request to create an order.
Outputs Synchronous Acknowledgement.
Non-repudiation Yes.
Description Initiates a transaction to create an order.

Create Order Response Details

Service Name


Service Outputs

If valid input was provided, your order will be created and the response will contain the order details. It will be in the state and substate of Acknowledged/Received.

Note: non-catalogue values, e.g. existing ONT id, are validated before the order substate is moved to Accepted.

Message Handling Specifications
MEP Synchronous call with Acknowledgement.
Inputs Response to your create order request.
Outputs Synchronous Acknowledgement.
Non-repudiation Yes.
Description Create order is processed or has an exception.