
Fibre Ordering

Query Site Information

This B2B service allows you to query a location to review active product instances and open orders.

Related Product

This service is available for fibre products


The data elements and attributes that may be used by this service are described below.

Place Element

The following table describes the Place element

id Mandatory I/O

The primary key for address or location searches.

The Place id is commonly referred to as:

  • The Supplier Location ID


  • The Location Code (TLC).

Product Elements

The following table describes the Product elements.

Note: if an Order/OrderItem is acting on a product instance, the product id will also be included. A common example is where an in-flight order exists to disconnect(relinquish) a product. In these cases, it is important that you can identify which product is being relinquished, particularly where multiple products exist at a location.

id   O Product identifier.
ProductCharacteristic   O Lists the product characteristics.
Order   O Orders are included if the order has reached the state and substate Acknowledged/Received, and has not passed the state Service Given.
SiteInformationInteractionItemDetails   O Site inventory items.

Product - ProductCharacteristic Elements

The following table describes the ProductCharacteristic elements

ONT_ID   O Identifier of the ONT that the product is using.
ATA_PORT   O ATA port.
PORT_NUMBER   O Port Number of the ATA port that the product is using.
PORT_NUMBER   O Port Number of the UNI port the product is using.
FAMILY_TYPE   O Family of related products.
OFFER_TYPE   O Type of offer.
OWNED_BY_RSP   O Flag to indicate if the requesting customer owns the product.
Product - ProductCharacteristic - FAMILY_TYPE

The following table describes the values provided by the family type element

BITSTREAM Fibre to the premises
CSE Customer Servic
Product - ProductCharacteristic - OFFER_TYPE

The following table describes the values provided by the offer type element.

Primary Primary product offering.
Secondary Secondary product offering.
Not Applicable Offers that do not have a Primary or Secondary classification
Product - ProductCharacteristic - OWNED_BY_RSP

The following table describes the values provided by the OWNED_BY_RSP element.

Y Product is owned by the requesting customer.
N Product is NOT owned by the requesting customer.

Order Elements

The order elements contain Order header information. The following table describes the Order elements

id   O Order identifier.
type   O Type of order.
OrderItem   O Contains details of the order items.

Order - OrderItem Elements

The OrderItem elements contain details of the Order items. The following table describes the OrderItem elements.

id   O Order item identifier.
action   O Type of action to be performed.
state   O Used to manage the order progress.
substate   O Used to manage the order progress against each state.
Timing   O Timing information for order items.
Order - OrderItem - action

The following table describes the values provided by the action element.


Creates or connects a new product for the customer.

Note: this includes moves and transfers.

modify Modify or change the characteristics of an existing product.
relinquish Relinquish or disconnect an existing product.
Order - OrderItem - state and substate

Orders are managed using status and sub-status. The status changes as the order progresses and when scoping and installation work is carried out. Not all statuses apply to all orders.

The following table describes the values provided by the state and associated substate elements.

Acknowledged Received The order has been received by Chorus.
  Accepted The order has been checked and is accepted for provisioning.
In Progress Consent Required Consent is required before this order can be progressed.
  Consent Requested Consent has been requested.
  Consent Not Required It has been determined that consent is not required for this order
  Consent Gained Consent has been gained.
  Consent Declined The consent request has been declined, or it was not obtained within the required time.
  Generate Quotation A quote is being generated for the order.
  Intent to Cancel Chorus has advised the intent to cancel the order and provided a reason for the cancellation.
  Network Design The network design is currently in progress.
  Network Build The network build is currently in progress.
  Scoping Scheduled Scoping for this order has been scheduled.
  Scheduled The order install has been scheduled.
  Investigation Required Identified as a potential multi-dwelling unit (MDU) or right of way (ROW). Investigation is required.
Held Waiting on Quote Acceptance A quote has been created and is ready for your acceptance.
  Schedule Scoping Scoping for this order is to be scheduled.
  Schedule Install You now need to schedule the required installation date
  Intent to Cancel Chorus has advised the intent to cancel the order and provided a reason for the cancellation.
  Provider to Advise You need to provide information to Chorus before the order can progress.
  Pending Disconnect Acceptance  
Service Given Service Given Installation work is now complete. The end-user should now be able to use the service at their location.
Completed Billing Billing is now complete
Closed Rejected The order has been rejected.
  Cancelled The order has been cancelled and closed.
  Completed The order has been completed and closed.

Note: An order is placed in the Held stage when we are waiting for an action to be completed by you

Order - OrderItem - Timing Elements

The timing details are provided where they are available. In most cases, this is once the values have been set, it may also be dependent on other order lifecycle scenarios.

The following table describes the Timing elements.

name   o Description of the dateTime value.
dateTime   o Date and time value.

Date and time values use the xsd:dateTime format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+[UTC offset, e.g. 12:00]

 Order - OrderItem - Timing - name

The following table describes the values provided by the name element.

CONNECT_RFS_DATE_TIME Service connection dates.
DISCONNECT_RFS_DATE_TIME Service disconnection dates
ORDER_DATE Date and time of the order feasibility request.

SiteInformationInteractionItemDetail Elements

The following table describes the SiteInformationInteractionItemDetail elements.

ONT_ID   O ONT Identifier.
ONT_STATUS   O Status of the ONT.
SiteInformationInteractionItemDetail - ONT_STATUS

The following table describes the values provided by the ONT_STATUS element.

Note: if an ONT is not installed, the ONT_STATUS value is NULL, and the element is not returned in the response.

INTACT ONT is installed at the location.

Query Site Information Request Details

Service Name


Service Inputs

The following criteria must be used when requesting this service:

Place id Primary key for address or location searches, this is commonly referred to as the Supplier Location ID or The Location Code (TLC).
Message Handling Specifications
MEP Synchronous call with Acknowledgement.
Inputs Query site information for a location
Outputs Synchronous Acknowledgement
Non-Repudiation Yes.
Description Initiates a transaction to query site information.

Query Site Information Response Details

Service Name


Service Outputs

If a valid Place id was provided, the response will contain the Place id and the site information, as shown in the following table.

Active product

Product Details

Product id

Family type

Offer type

UNI port configuration

ATA port configuration

RSP Owned

ONT Details

  • ONT ID
  • ONT Status
In-flight Orders

Order Details

  • Order type
  • Order status
  • Order scheduling details
  • Order action
  • Product id

ONT Details

  • ONT ID
  • UNI port configuration
  • ATA port configuration

The ONT ID is included if the order has reached the state and substate of Acknowledged/Accepted, and has not been closed.

ONT installed with no active products and no inflight orders

ONT Details

  • ONT ID
  • ONT Status
Message Handling Specifications
MEP Synchronous call with Acknowledgement.
Inputs Response to your query of site information for a location.
Outputs Synchronous Acknowledgement.
Non-Repudiation Yes.
Description Query site information is processed or has an exception.