Connect | Connect Primary | new | - Product Offering id
- Product Characteristics ONT id, if connecting to an existing ONT
- Timing, if a site visit is not required
| Required for each new product offering. |
| Connect Additional ONT | new | - Product Offering id
- Product Characteristics
| Required for each new product offering. |
| Connect Secondary | new | - Product Offering id
- Existing Provider ProductId, of the Primary product
- Product Characteristics
- ONT id, if connecting to an existing ONT
- Timing
| Required for each new product offering. |
| Connect and Replace | new | - Product Offering id
- Product Characteristics
- Timing, if a site visit is not required
- Existing Provider ProductId, to be replaced
| Required for each new product offering. |
Move | Move Primary | new | - Product Offering id
- Product Characteristics
- ONT id, if connecting to an existing ONT
- Timing, if a site visit is not required
| Required for each new product offering. |
| | relinquish | | |
| Move Additional ONT | new | - Product Offering id
- Product Characteristics
| Required for each new product offering. |
| | relinquish | | |
| Move and Replace | new | - Product Offering id
- Product Characteristics
- Timing, if a site visit is not required
- Existing Provider ProductId, to be replaced
| Existing provider's productId, must match an active product id in our product inventory for this location. |
| | relinquish | | |
Modify | Change Offer | new | - Product Offering id
- Product Characteristics
- Timing
| |
| | relinquish | | |
| Modify Attribute | modify | - Product id
- Product Characteristics
- Timing
| Used for modifying an existing product instance. |
| Modify Attribute | modify | | Used for ordering CSE by itself. |
| | new | - Product Offering id
- Product Characteristics
- Product id
- Timing
| |
Disconnect | Disconnect Primary | relinquish | | |
| Disconnect Secondary | relinquish | | |
Transfer | Transfer Primary | new | - Product Offering id
- Product Characteristics
- Timing, if a site visit is not required
- Existing Provider ProductId, to be transferred
- ExistingProviderName
| Existing Provider ProductId, must match an active product id in our product inventory for this location. ExistingProviderName must match a value in the Chorus Customer managed list. |
| Transfer Secondary | new | - Product Offering id
- Product Characteristics
- Timing
- Exisiting Provider ProductId, to be transferred
- ExistingProviderName
| Existing Provider ProductId, must match an active product id in our product inventory for this location. ExistingProviderName must match a value in the Chorus Customer managed list. |