
Fibre Ordering

BIC003: Query Order Feasibility


Customer Queries Order Feasibility


This process provides you with the ability to determine whether it is feasible to order Product Offer for a specified location.

Related B2B Services

Preceded by

Succeeded by

Flow - Customer Requests Order Feasibility


Process Pre-conditions

Supplier Location id and Order parameters are provided in a valid format.

Process Post-conditions

A response is sent containing the feasibility result for the requested product, it includes:

  • Pre-order details (design and feasibility results)
  • Order requirements
  • Appointment demand types.

Basic Path

1 Submit a feasible to order request. Customer

Verify that the location and order information details are valid.

Decompose into required services and resources, initiate the feasibility process to determine if the product can be provisioned and if the necessary resources are available.

If request information is invalid, refer to alternate flow 1.


Return feasibility response. 

If an appointment is required, provide this information in the response.

4 Receive order feasibility response. Customer

Alternate Flow 1

2.1 If the location information or Product Offer details are invalid, return an error response. Chorus
2.2 Return an error response explaining why an order feasibility cannot be completed. Chorus

Refer to the Exception Code Mappings table for error details.

Business Rules

Query Order Feasibility Request

It is mandatory to queryOrder Feasibility before you create an Order. The result will include a feasibility reason advising you if you can progress to Create Order.

Book Order Appointments

The Order Feasibility response will return appointment information. For orders that require:

  • Ready forService(RFS)appointments, it will include an indicative range of RFS dates. UseQuery AppointmentAvailability to retrieve a list of RFS dates and times before proceeding to Create Order.
  • SiteVisit appointment reservations, e.g.Scope, Install, it will include aSiteVisit id for each appointment type. The Site visit ID appears in both the Order item and the Site visit elements to allow the particular visit to be associated with the relevant order item. Use Query Appointment Availability and Reserve Appointment to find and reserve the appointments before proceeding to Create Order.


If the location has an installed (intact) ONT, the query response will report that the order is feasible.

The Create Order web service will check port availability, if there are no ports available the response will contain an explanation and any further actions or options available to you.

Exception Code Mappings

The Exception Codes table lists the exceptions that may be returned by this service.

For a full list of exception codes and their meanings see B2B Exception Codes.

000 Backend processing error encountered - If problem persists please contact Chorus admin
001 Supplier Location ID not found
005 Supplier Location ID not valid
012 Order decomposition error: {%s}
014 Customer not on-boarded for requested Product Offer
026 Order validation failed: {%s}

Use Cases

The following table describes the use cases that support this business process.

Click on the scenario link to view the XML sample.

Customer Requests Order Feasibility - Order type Connect Primary Query Order Feasibility is executed to determine if the Product Offer is feasible at the location using Order type Connect Primary and OrderItem action new.
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • ProductOffering id
  • Place id
  • Order id
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • ProductOffering id
  • Place id
  • Site Visit information
  • Order Feasibility Result Item Detail
Customer Requests Order Feasibility - Order type Connect Additional ONT with CSE Query Order Feasibility is executed to determine if the Product Offer is feasible at the location using Order type Connect Additional ONT and OrderItem action new.
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • ProductOffering id
  • Place id
  • Order id
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • ProductOffering id
  • Place id
  • Site Visit information
  • Order Feasibility Result Item Detail
Customer Requests Order Feasibility - Order type Connect Secondary Query Order Feasibility is executed to determine if the Product Offer is feasible at the location using Order type Connect Secondary and OrderItem action new.
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • ProductOffering id
  • Place id
  • Product id
  • Order id
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • ProductOffering id
  • Place id
  • Site Visit information
  • Order Feasibility Result Item Detail
Customer Requests Order Feasibility - Order type Connect  and Replace with No CSE Query Order Feasibility is executed to determine if the Product Offer is feasible at the location using Order type Connect and Replace and OrderItem action new.
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • ProductOffering id
  • Place id
  • Order id
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • ProductOffering id
  • Existing Product id
  • Place id
  • Site Visit information
  • Order Feasibility Result Item Detail
Customer Requests Order Feasibility - Order type Connect  and Replace with CSE Query Order Feasibility is executed to determine if the Product Offer is feasible at the location using Order type Connect and Replace and OrderItem action new.
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • ProductOffering id
  • Place id
  • Order id
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • ProductOffering id
  • Existing Product id
  • Place id
  • Site Visit information
  • Order Feasibility Result Item Detail
Customer Requests Order Feasibility - Order type Move Primary

Query Order Feasibility is executed to determine if the Product Offer is feasible at the location using:

  • Order type Move Primary - OrderItem action new
  • Order type Move Primary - Order Item action relinquish.
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • ProductOffering id
  • Place id
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • Product id
  • Order id
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • ProductOffering id
  • Place id
  • Site Visit information
  • Order Feasibility Result Item Detail
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • Product id
  • Site Visit information
  • Order Feasibility Result Item Detail
Customer Requests Order Feasibility - Order type Move Additional ONT

Query Order Feasibility is executed to determine if the Product Offer is feasible at the location, using:

  • Order type Move Primary - OrderItem action new
  • Order type Move Primary - OrderI tem action relinquish.
  • Order id
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • ProductOffering id
  • Place id
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • Product id
  • Order id
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • ProductOffering id
  • Place id
  • Site Visit information
  • Order Feasibility Result Item Detail
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • Product id
  • Site Visit information
  • Order Feasibility Result Item Detail


Customer Requests Order Feasibility - Order Type Change Offer

Query Order Feasibility is executed to determine if the Product Offer is feasible at the location, using:

  • Order type Change Offer - OrderItem action new
  • Order type Change Offer - OrderItem action relinquish.
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • ProductOffering id
  • Place id
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • Product id
  • Order id
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • ProductOffering id
  • Place id
  • Site Visit information
  • Order Feasibility Result Item Detail
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • Product id
  • Site Visit information
  • Order Feasibility Result Item Detail
Customer Requests Order Feasibility - Order Type Modify Attribute Query Order Feasibility is executed to determine if the Product Offer is feasible at the location, using: Order Type Modify Attribute - OrderItem action modify.
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • Product id
  • Order id
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • ProductOffering id
  • Place id
  • Site Visit information
  • Order Feasibility Result Item Detail
Customer Requests Order Feasibility - Order Type Modify Attribute (CSE)

Query Order Feasibility is executed to determine if the Product Offer is feasible at the location, using:

  • Order type Modify Attribute - OrderItem action new
  • Order type Modify Attribute - OrderItem action modify.
  • Order type  
  • OrderItem
  • ProductOffering id
  • Place id
    • Order type  
    • OrderItem
    • Product id
    • Order id
    • Order type  
    • OrderItem
    • ProductOffering id
    • Place id
    • Site Visit information
    • Order Feasibility Result Item Detail
    • Order type  
    • OrderItem
    • Product id
    • Site Visit information
    • Order Feasibility Result Item Detail
    Customer Requests Order Feasibility - Order Type Disconnect Primary

    Query Order Feasibility is executed to determine if the Product Offer is feasible at the location, using:

    • Order type Type Disconnect Primary - OrderItem action relinquishes.
    • Order type  
    • OrderItem
    • Product id
    • Order id
    • Order type  
    • OrderItem
    • ProductOffering id
    • Place id
    • Site Visit information
    • Order Feasibility Result Item Detail
      Customer Requests Order Feasibility - Order Type Transfer Primary

      Query Order Feasibility is executed to determine if the Product Offer is feasible at the location, using:

      • Order type Transfer Primary - OrderItem action new.
      • Order type  
      • OrderItem
      • ProductOffering id
      • Place id to be transferred
      • Existing Provider
      • Name Place id
          • Order id
          • Order type  
          • OrderItem
          • ProductOffering id
          • Place id to be transferred
          • Existing Provider
          • Name Place id
          • Site Visit information
          • Order Feasibility Result Item Detail
          Customer Requests Order Feasibility - Order Type Transfer Secondary

          Query Order Feasibility is executed to determine if the Product Offer is feasible at the location, using:

          • Order type Transfer Secondary - OrderItem action new.
          • ProductOffering id
          • Place id to be transferred
          • Existing Provider
          • Name Place id
              • Order id
              • Order type  
              • OrderItem
              • ProductOffering id
              • Place id to be transferred
              • Existing Provider
              • Name Place id
              • Site Visit information
              • Order Feasibility Result Item Detail

              Use Case Exceptions

              The following table describes the use case exceptions that support this business process.

              Click on the scenario link to view the XML sample.

              Customer Requests Order Feasibility, Supplier location id not found Query Order Feasibility is executed to determine if the Product Offer is feasible at the location using Order type Connect Primary and OrderItem action new.
              • Order type  
              • OrderItem
              • ProductOffering id
              • Place id
              • Order type  
              • OrderItem
              • ProductOffering id
              • Place id
              • Exception message
              Customer Requests Order Feasibility - Supplier location id not Valid Query Order Feasibility is executed to determine if the Product Offer is feasible at the location using Order type Connect Primary and OrderItem action new.
              • Order type  
              • OrderItem
              • ProductOffering id
              • Place id
              • Order type  
              • OrderItem
              • ProductOffering id
              • Place id
              • Exception message
              Customer Requests Order Feasibility - not Onboarded for the Requested Product Offer Query Order Feasibility is executed to determine if the Product Offer is feasible at the location using Order type Connect Primary and OrderItem action new.
              • Order type  
              • OrderItem
              • ProductOffering id
              • Place id
              • Order type  
              • OrderItem
              • ProductOffering id
              • Place id
              • Exception message

              Success Criteria

              This section provides a list of the User Story References that we have met in this business process, as defined by the Ultra-Fast Broadband BSS / OSS Business Interaction Framework.

              The document is available from:

              Refer to the TCF website for documentation.

              Request Success Criteria

              ID DESCRIPTION
              US04 As aService ProviderIwanttosubmitapre-qualificationrequestviatheOSS/BSSsoI can save time andcost.
              SC04.01 The Service Provider can enter an individual pre-qualification request via the B2B.
              SC04.05 The ServiceProvidercansearchbytheuniqueaddressidentifiernumber–Supplier Location ID.
              US10 As a Service ProviderI want the option of having a manual pre-qualification completed so that I can find out more about the address.
              SC10.01 The Service Provider can enter a manual pre-qualification request via the B2B.
              US12 As aServiceProviderI want relevant manual pre-qualification information so I can help my customer make a purchasing decision.
              US18 As the LFC I want to collect all relevant information on the manual pre-qualification so I can manage the order effectively.

              Response Success Criteria

              ID DESCRIPTION
              US05 As a Service Provider I want to receive a notification confirming that my pre-qualification request has been received so that I know it has been logged.
              SC05.02 The notification contains the Pre-Qualification Request Reference Number.
              SC05.03 The notification contains a date and time stamp.
              US06 As a Service Provider I want the automatic pre-qualification to return relevant information on the address so I can present options to a customer making a purchasing decision.
              SC06.01 Service Provider is notified if the address or unique address identifier cannot be found.
              SC06.02 Service Provider is notified if the unique address identifier is in an invalid format.
              SC06.04 The Service Provider is informed of the Central Office identifier servicing the location.
              SC06.05 The Service Provider is informed if fibre is available at the location.
              SC06.06 If fibre is not currently available but will be in future, the Service Provider is informed of the date fibre will be available at the location.
              SC06.07 The Service Provider is notified of the build stage name or identifier within the LFC build area.
              SC06.08 The Service Provider is informed whether the premise is likely to be a standard or nonstandard install (where applicable).
              SC06.09 The Service Provider is notified where the Premise cannot be determined as standard or non-standard installation (unknown installation type).
              SC06.12 The Service Provider is informed of the POI.
              SC06.13 The Service Provider is informed whether the service will be underground or overhead.
              SC06.14 The Service Provider is informed of the type of premise where possible: Multi-Dwelling Unit (MDU), Single Dwelling Unit (SDU).
              SC06.16 The Service Provider is provided with additional information about the location, for example, it is on a right-of-way or part of a gated community.
              US12 As aServiceProviderI want relevant manual pre-qualification information so I can help my customer make a purchasing decision.
              SC12.01 The Service Provider is informed of the Central Office identifier servicing the location.
              SC12.02 The Service Provider is informed of the type of premise: Multi-Dwelling Unit (MDU), Single Dwelling Unit (SDU).
              SC12.06 The Service Provider is informed whether a consent process is underway for the property.