
4th Gen ONT workshop summary

The 4th Gen ONT introduction RSP workshop series is complete, closing out our consultation on the launch of the new ONT. Thank you to those of you that participated, asked questions and gave us feedback. 

This series had good representation from many service providers. Chorus presenters went through topics like the ONT’s capabilities, differences and similarities to other ONTs, the roll out plan and the mounting solution as well as what RSP testing would look like. We also summarised and covered the RSP system changes required for this ONT introduction. 


Workshop summary packs  

Both packs from these workshops have been uploaded to the in-flight project page. We have also updated the FAQs and the timeline on this page following the consultation. These now reflect the updated rollout timing.  


Testing the ONT – short survey 

If you haven’t already done so and would like to let us know how many 4th Gen test ONTs you need then please complete this short survey



If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to your account team.   

Information about the introduction of the 4th Gen ONT can be found on our dedicated webpage here