
4th Gen ONT RSP Workshop 2

Thank you to those of you who attended one of the 4th Gen ONT RSP Workshop 1 sessions that we held on the 4th and 5th of October. We appreciate you taking the time to attend, ask questions and give feedback.

The pack from those 4th Gen ONT RSP Workshop 1 sessions has been uploaded to the 4th Gen ONT in-flight project page and we are currently working through the questions to update the FAQs on the project page too.

We are now at a point where we can schedule in the 4th Gen ONT RSP Workshop 2 sessions, which will cover the following topics:

  • Proposed rollout plan  
  • Install standard
  • RSP Testing
  • RSP System changes


Workshop session times

We’re looking to run these 4th Gen ONT RSP Workshop 2 sessions with the following timings.

To add an appointment to your calendar to attend one of these Workshop 2 sessions, please select the appointment icon in the right-hand column. Please only select the one session that is most convenient for you. The content of each Workshop 2 session will be the same.   


Workshop / SessionTimingAppointment
Workshop 2 Session 111AM on 09 NovemberCalendar Invite - workshop 2 session 1
Workshop 2 Session 21PM on 11 NovemberCalendar Invite - workshop 2 session 2


Keeping up-to -date 

Keep up-to -date with progress on the 4th Gen ONT through the in-flights project page on our Service Provider website.

If you have any questions, want to express interest or give feedback, please reach out through your Account Team.