
Helping you grow your Bitstream 3/3a connections

Our Bitstream 3/3a range of products, NGA Business & Hyperfibre Business, are ideal for NZ businesses with 20 or more employees. Both come with High Traffic Class (HTC) bandwidth to support business critical applications such as VoIP and video conferencing; and VLAN transparency to enable logical grouping of end stations, enhancing security, reducing the need for costly routers and much more.

BS3 features


In addition to these benefits, Business BOOM is launching on 1 July 2020 to support you in acquiring new NGA Business or Hyperfibre Business connections and upgrading existing NGA Evolve (Bitstream 2) plans to NGA Business or Hyperfibre Business.


Business BOOM is simple and lucrative

You receive a $600 credit for new eligible NGA Business or Hyperfibre Business orders between 1 July and 31 December 2020 and connected by 30 September 2021. That’s double the $300 credit you receive under the existing Enterprise Connect offer. BOOM! 

You receive a $500 credit for new eligible NGA Business & Hyperfibre Business connections between 1 January and 30 June 2021 and connected by 30 September 2021.

+ Business BOOM incentivises you to move your HSNS Lite Copper connections.

In addition to the above credits, eligible HSNS Lite Copper connections that move to NGA Business or Hyperfibre Business may also benefit from our managed provisioning service (pending availability) for FREE.

Should it fit your connection needs, our managed provisioning service can be offered - with costs waived ($330) – to provide project management expertise & oversight, minimising disruption in changing from HSNS Lite copper to fibre (NGA Business or Hyperfibre Business).


Next steps to benefit from this offer

To be eligible for Business BOOM credits, please countersign the Offer Letter before 30 June 2020 and send this to your Chorus Account Lead.

Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact your Chorus Account Lead.


  • up to $600 credit
  • $100 kicker
  • Better plan, better credits, better revenue

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