
Online Ordering & Tracking

Place and manage orders for Chorus products and services


Online Order and Tracking (OO&T) provides a browser-based interface so you can order our products and services for your customers. OO&T manages the life-cycle of the order provisioning and fulfilment processes and provides a link between our provisioning team and yours.

A web service interface has been constructed to allow business to business (B2B) interaction with OO&T from your systems. This is particularly suited to companies placing a larger volume of orders. At its most essential level, the web services provide a mechanism for you to seamlessly integrate and access OO&T functionality, such as visibility of status updates, request queues etc.

The web service interface enables you to eliminate duplicate data entry steps (i.e. it facilitates a one-time data entry event when integrated with your order entry system).

Online Ordering & Tracking

Existing Chorus customers, please log in below to access our Online Ordering & Tracking tool.

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