
Network Events

Information on network events and your impacted services


The Network Events Portal and API have been developed to deliver dedicated and increased visibility of detailed and customer specific information about Chorus planned and unplanned network events and the impact these may have on Chorus provided services. The Portal and API are in addition to the current Network Events email notifications that you receive.

Should any services be affected by future planned or current unplanned events, the Network Events Portal and API provide access to information on what may be impacted, the type or duration of the impact, the work being carried out, as well as progress updates during unplanned events and remediation activities.

This information can be used to support your own internal operations as well as managing customers’ expectations. The API can also be integrated directly into your tools and systems to enable more efficient handling of customer transactions and your operational teams’ activities.

The Network Events Portal and API puts detailed information in the hands of anyone within a retail service provider or Chorus. Operational teams can work more efficiently and they can improve the customer experience. By consuming the API you also have the potential to put this information directly into your systems or into the hands of your customers.



Network Events

Existing Chorus customers, please log in below to access our Network Events tool.

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