
Assure email notification continues

We are pleased to advise that email notifications of planned and unplanned outages will continue for the foreseeable future.

We consulted on withdrawal of email notifications in early 2019 and gave formal notice in July 2020 that email notifications of planned and unplanned outages will cease at the end of this month. However, several RSPs have indicated they find the generic emails useful for their day-to-day business operation, so we plan to continue with the service. 

This notification cancels the earlier withdrawal notice. 


Network Events Portal  

A richer set of outage information filtered to provide specific RSP impact will continue to be available on the Network Events Portal and API for RSP use. The portal provides access to:

  • Event details - What, where, when and why 
  • Progress updates and remediation activities (unplanned events)
  • High-level and in-depth direct and indirect service impact information specific to your own organisation
  • This information can be used to support your own internal network operations and manage your customers’ expectations delivered via a flexible user-friendly interface offering: 
  • Interchangeable Views - Calendar & list 
  • A variety of filter options - Event type & service types
  • Dynamic Search functionality - Service ID, Event ID, Chorus Network Element ID
  • Real-time updates feed
  • Downloadable service impact files - Universal CSV format
  • Downloadable event details - PDF format for ease of sharing



For information about either the generic email notification, the Network Events Portal or API contact your account team.