
Fibre Ordering

Create Order Notification

We use this B2B notification to advise you that we have created an order on your behalf.

Related Business Process

Related Product

This service is available for fibre products.


The data elements and attributes that may be used by this service are described below

Order Elements

The order elements contain Order header information. The following table describes the Order elements.

id Always Order identifier returned by Query Order Feasibility.
BillingInformation Conditional Order billing details.
customerReferenceId Conditional Your unique orderreference number for matching this order to yourrecords.
type Always Type of order
OrderItem Always Details of the order items.

Order - OrderItem Elements

The OrderItem elements contain details of the Order items. The following table describes the OrderItem elements.

id Always Order item identifier.
action Conditional Type of action to be performed.
ExistingProviderDetail Conditional Existing provider and product details.
Timing Conditional Date for service activity.
Place Conditional Provide site access details.Order - OrderItem - action

The following table describes the values provided by the action element.


Creates or connects a new product for the customer.

Note: this includes moves and transfers.

modify Modify or change the characteristics of an existing product.
relinquish Relinquish or disconnect an existing product.
Order - OrderItem - ExistingProviderDetail

The ExistingProviderDetail elements contain details of the existing provider (RSP) and the product being replaced. The following table describes the values provided by the ExistingProviderDetail element.

productId The product identifier for the product being replaced by the successful completion of the order.
existingProviderName Chorus system name for the customer who owns the product that is being replaced.

Order - BillingInformation Elements

The following table describes the BillingInformation elements.

billingAccount Always Your billing account value.
billingEffectiveDate Conditional Payment date for the bill.
cancellationFBN Conditional Number used to associate order cancellation charges.
Charge Conditional Charges for the order.
Order - type

The following table describes the values provided by the type element.

Connect Primary New connection for a primary product offer, where there is no existing primary product offer at the location.
Connect Additional ONT New connection for a primary product offer, where there is an existing or pending primary product offer at the location.
Connect Secondary New connection for a secondary product offer, where there is an existing primary product offer at the location.
Connect and Replace

New Connection for a primary product offer, where there is an existing primary product offer at this location, which must be disconnected, and replaced by your incoming order.

This order type is used when your end-customer is moving in to a property and assuming ownership.

Disconnect Primary Disconnect of a primary product offer, where there is an active product instance.
Disconnect Secondary Disconnect of a secondary product offer, where there is an active product instance.
Change Offer Change of an existing product offer for an existing product instance – for the same RSP, end customer andlocation.
Modify Attribute Modification of product attributes of an existing product instance.
Modify Attribute Order a CSE for an existing product instance.
Move Primary

Move your existing offer to a property where there is no existing primary product offer at the location.

Note: If consent is required at the new address you will need to complete Disconnect and Connect orders instead of a Move.

Move Additional ONT Add an additional ONT as part of the move.
Move and Replace

New Connection for a primary product offer and disconnection of an existing customer product offer at a different location.

Where there is an existing primary product offer at this location, which must be disconnected, and replaced by your incoming order.

This order type is used when your end-customer is moving in to a property and assuming ownership.

Transfer Primary Transfer of an existing primary product offerfrom another RSP to the Gaining (requesting) Service provider – for the same end customer and location.
Transfer Secondary Transfer of an existing secondary product offerfrom another RSPto the Gaining (requesting) Service provider – for the same end customer and location.

Order - OrderItem - Timing Elements

The following table describes the Timing elements.

name Always Type of RFS date.
dateTime Always Date and time value.
Order - OrderItem - Timing - name

The following table describes the values provided by the name element.

CONNECT_RFS_DATE_TIME Service connection dates.
DISCONNECT_RFS_DATE_TIME Service disconnection dates.

Order - OrderItem - Place Elements

The Place elements provide the location and equipment access information. The following table describes the Place element.

id Always Location identifier.
Access Conditional Free text field to enter site access information.
EquipmentLocation Conditional Free text field to guidance on the location for the equipment installation.

Notification Element

The following table provides details of the Notification elements.

id Always Notification identifier.
type Always Type of information contained in the notification.
dateTime Always Date and time values using the xsd:dateTime format: YYYY-MMDDTHH:MM:SS+[UTC offset, e.g. 12:00].
NotificationItem Always Details of the notification.
Notification - type

The following table describes the values that may be returned by the CreateOrderNotification Notification - type element.

INTENT_TO_DISCONNECT_SECONDARY Theprimaryproducthasbeendisconnected, we provide you with the option of promoting your secondary product or accepting the disconnection.
CEASE_BILLING Your end customer has transferred their product to another RSP. We advise your product disconnection.
INTENT_TO_DISCONNECT_ABANDONMENT A new end customer is moving the location. We advise you of the intent to disconnection your product.
Notification - NotificationItem

The following table provides details of the NotificationItem elements.


Notification item identifier.

A unique id will be returned with each notification item.

description Description of the notification item.
reference XPath reference of the notification item.


Order Item State and Substate

The following table provides the OrderItem state and substate associated with the CreateOrderNotification - Notification - type - INTENT_TO_DISCONNECT_SECONDARY.

state Held
substate Provider To Advise

The following table describes the values provided by the INTENT_TO_DISCONNECT_SECONDARY NotificationItem elements.

description Chorus has created a customer order on your behalf to disconnect a secondary product instance
reference /CreateOrderNotification/Order/id[text()='ORDER_ID']
description Your secondary product instance is scheduled for disconnection
reference /CreateOrderNotification/Order/OrderItem/ProductOffering/Product/id[text='*************']
description State transition
reference /CreateOrderNotification/Order/OrderItem/state[text()='Current state']
description Sub-state transition
reference /CreateOrderNotification/Order/OrderItem/substate[text()='Current substate']
description Please refer to the following customer order question
reference /CreateOrderNotification/Order/OrderItem/Question/id[text='QUESTION_ID']../questionValue/text()
description A response is required by
reference /CreateOrderNotification/Order/OrderItem/Question/id[text='QUESTION_ID']/validFor/endDateTime/text()


The following table provides the OrderItem state and substate associated with the CreateOrderNotification - Notification - type - CEASE_BILLING.

state Closed
substate Completed
Notification Item

The following table describes the values provided by the CEASE_BILLING NotificationItem elements.

description We have received a request to transfer ${product_offer} Product ID ${product_instance}. Billing for this connection will cease from ${rfs_date}.


The following table provides the OrderItem state and substate associated with the CreateOrderNotification - Notification - type - INTENT_TO_DISCONNECT_ABANDONMENT.

state Held
substate Provider To Advise
Notification Item

The following table describes the values provided by the INTENT_TO_DISCONNECT_ABANDONMENT NotificationItem elements.

description Chorus has created a customer order on your behalf to disconnect a primary customer product instance
reference /CreateOrderNotification/Order/id[text()='ORDER_ID']
description Your primary product instance is scheduled for disconnection
reference /CreateOrderNotification/Order/OrderItem/Product/id
description State transition
reference /CreateOrderNotification/Order/OrderItem/state
description Sub-state transition
reference /CreateOrderNotification/Order/OrderItem/substate
description Please refer to the following customer order question
reference /CreateOrderNotification/Order/OrderItem/Question/questionValue
description A response is required by
reference /CreateOrderNotification/Order/OrderItem/Question/validFor/endDateTime

Create Order Notification Details

Service Name


Service Outputs

Notifications contain the notification values, Order details.