
Activity supporting REN network decommissioning and related changes

The Regional Ethernet Network (REN) is reaching its end-of-life: new spare parts are not available; old spare parts are no longer repairable; software running on the network is reaching the end of its support lifespan.

To help understand the various initiatives and find all the relevant updates, we’ve created this REN end-of-life section on our website.

The programme aims to carefully manage and communicate network change related to REN end-of-life, change impacts, volume, the E2E experience and more. Click below to find details on each key initiative. Programme comms and links to general updates can be found further below.

If you have any questions, please contact your Chorus account team.

Why are we shutting down the Regional Ethernet Network (REN)?

The network electronics that provide Chorus Layer 2 services are undergoing continuous lifecycle management and growth influences. The Aggregation network switches that make up what was known as the REN have reached their end of their life. The platform must be decommissioned to deal with several hardware and software risks and issues.

Without action, there is a growing risk of large-scale service outages that would be increasingly difficult to recover from. All services currently using the REN equipment must be moved to alternative technologies such as our Fibre Aggregation Network.

Chorus plans to start shutting down parts of the REN by 30 June 2024. All initiatives and network upgrade volumes that impact you will be carefully managed and communicated to minimise impacts. Product changes, withdrawals and timeframes will continue to be communicated via product channels and referenced here.