
A high-level overview of Chorus planned future changes impacting retail service


You have been asking us to provide information as early as possible on future planned key activities involving technology and resources changes. On this page, you’ll find a roadmap for these changes. 

This roadmap is providing you with early visibility of planned future Chorus changes and will be updated on a monthly basis. We would like to encourage early dialogue with you and our teams so we can provide an early indication of when changes may turn up for you in the future. 

Please note that this roadmap does not replace any of our existing documentation, on-going consultation or customer updates but aims to provide additional information.

Feel free to reach out to feedback on this roadmap so we can continuously improve it. In the first instance should you want additional information or talk to someone, you should initially contact your Service Delivery Manager who can assist them.

Please find the RSP Activity Roadmap April 2024 edition here.





Q1 Are the dates in this roadmap confirmed?

A1 The dates shown in the roadmap are our best estimates at the time of publishing. These dates can change for several reasons one being you sharing feedback.


Q2 Who do I talk to to get more information on a specific change listed?

A2 In the first instance please talk to your Service Delivery Manager.


Q3 How often will this roadmap be updated?

A3 Monthly.