
Simplifying our backhaul portfolio: Commercial Backhaul

Earlier this month we communicated some changes to our legacy backhaul portfolio, and advised we would provide an update on our Commercial Backhaul product in the coming weeks. 

We now have newer, competitively priced backhaul products - including Chorus Exchange Connect (CXC) being launched on 4 September 2023. While we believe that most of you will select these new products for new connections, and may migrate existing connections, some may prefer to continue utilising Commercial Backhaul. Therefore, we have decided not to grandfather or withdraw Commercial Backhaul at this time. As per our update on 9 August 2023, please note that Commercial Backhaul Variant (CBV) is being withdrawn from market. 



If you are interested in what migration to an alternative product might look like, please contact Chorus Customer Solutions team.