
Consumer product development roadmap – what's coming up

In August, we promised to share with you a consumer segment roadmap to keep you informed on what’s ahead for 2020.

In this roadmap you will find initiatives that are currently in flight and any future initiatives that are in plan or proposed. 

We prioritised initiatives based on your feedback, market demand vs feasibility to implement in 2020.  As a result of this prioritisation process we have placed flexible broadband idea on hold due to mixed response from customers.

This new roadmap is intended as a guide only with estimated delivery timings.  Specific releases and availability will be announced via our updates.


Supporting information

Please refer to the future products page to see the full version of the consumer product development roadmap. 

Consumer FY20


Next steps & contact

If you like to find out more or would like to help define the requirements for new initiatives, please contact your Account Lead.