
Cancellation charging – suspended until at least 30 April 2021

You’ve asked for more certainty about what is happening with cancellation charging. We’re letting you know we won’t consider lifting the current suspension of these charges until 30 April 2021 at the earliest.


What’s happening

On 21 May, we advised you, although New Zealand had moved to Covid-19 alert level 2, the time wasn’t right to start charging for cancellations.  We said we’d keep a watching brief on the situation and wait a bit longer before we started to charge for cancellations.
Since then, we’ve experienced variable regional Covid-19 restrictions with Auckland back to alert level 3 for a time. We’ve only recently moved back to Alert Level 1 on a national basis across New Zealand.

In addition, some service providers asked for more certainty about our charging plans as they want to factor these potential charges into their forward planning.
So, we’re letting you know that cancellation charging will remain suspended until 30 April 2021. At that time, we’ll take another look at this charging in the context of what is happening with Covid-19 and let you know what we’ve decided to do next.

What are the details

We’re keen to ensure progress in reducing overall cancellations continues during this six-month period, with your account teams well placed to support activities under agreed cancellation improvement plans.

You will have continued access to the monthly cancellation charging reports produced using the cancellation charging policy methodology. These will allow you to see what you would have been charged (if anything) over the next six months if we’d implemented charging under the policy. 

[Note: This information should be read in the context of order volumes and the impacts of the Covid-19 situation.]

Next steps

Shortly after 30 April 2021, we’ll let you know what we’ve decided to do next and when charging will start (if applicable).

For any queries please contact your Account Lead or Service Delivery Manager at first instance.