
Our Enterprise Connect offer is designed to support you to promote high performing fibre services to businesses and in particular, encourage the migration of off-net customers onto our fibre network; and the upgrade of existing fibre connections to faster business fibre plans. We are extending this offer for NGA Business (Bitstream 3/3a) plans to 30 June 2020. Don't miss this opportunity and sign up now!

This offer aims to help you promote high performing business fibre services, including getting off-net customers onto our fibre network, and upgrading existing fibre connections to higher performance NGA Business Bitstream 3/3a business fibre plans.

Please note that this offer is not being extended for NGA Business Premium (Enhanced Bitstream 4) plans – those plans won’t be eligible for credits after the initial offer ends on 31 December 2019. Watch this space for a new NGA Business Premium (Enhanced Bitstream 4) offer in early 2020.

For NGA Business (Bitstream 3/3a), this offer is being extended until 30 June 2020. This extended offer supports you with credits in three key areas:

  • New connections on NGA Business,
  • Upgrades of existing NGA Evolve (Bitstream 2/Bitstream 2 Accelerate) fibre connections to NGA Business,
  • Upgrades of NGA Business to higher NGA Business Committed Information Rate (CIR) plans.

Key terms of our Enterprise Connect offer extension

The Enterprise Connect extension

  • Available where Chorus has fibre Provides credit contributions of between $150 & $300 per qualifying connection, from 1 January 2020 until 30 June 2020,
  • Credit contributions for NGA Business Premium available under the initial offer will no longer be available after 31 December 2019,
  • If you signed up for the initial Enterprise Connect offer, you don’t have to do anything to take advantage of the extended offer,
  • If you did not sign up for the initial Enterprise Connect offer, then you can sign up before 18 December 2019 to be eligible for this extension.


New NGA Business (Bitstream 3/3a) or upgrade to NGA Business (Bitstream 3/3a) from NGA Evolve (Bitstream 2)




Upgrades from existing NGA Business to any higher CIR plan



Further conditions of the offer

  • Service providers can sign from customer update until 18 December 2019,
  • Offer available where Chorus has fibre,
  • Orders received within the offer period will be eligible but paid on service given,
  • To continue to qualify for the credit contribution a connection must remain on the relevant plan for a minimum of 12 months,
  • If you relinquish the service covered by the credit contribution within the 12 month qualifying period, you’ll be subject to a repayment obligation on a pro rata basis.  


What’s excluded?

  • Any orders placed on smart location addresses 
  • Gigatown plans 
  • Secondary plans 
  • Education plans  
  • Any address where there is a current business legacy service (UPC, LDBS, BFAS) or HSNS Premium/Bitstream 4 service on the Chorus network.


Benefit from this offer 

If you signed up for the initial offer, you don’t need to do anything to participate in the extended offer. 

If you did not sign up for the initial Enterprise Connect offer but would like to participate now, then you can sign up by signing and returning the offer letter to your Account Manager before 18 December 2019.

Should you have any questions please contact your Account team.

Key dates Enterprise Connect Offer Extension

Retail service providers sign up

1 to 18 December 2019

Enterprise Connect offer for NGA Business Premium (Enhanced Bitstream 4) ends

31 December 2019

Launch of Enterprise Connect offer extension 1 January 2020
Enterprise Connect offer extension ends 30 June 2020 
Last date for service to commence 31 December 2020
Minimum period for service  12 months from service start date 


  • Acquire new enterprise customers
  • Upgrade your customer plans
  • Extended until 30 June 2020

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