calendar icon Wednesday, 1 November - Thursday, 7 December
Update number: 11102023

This consultation has now closed

Consultation outcomes will be published shortly.

Simplifying our business fibre access portfolio


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Consultation extended to 7 December 2023


What are we doing?

Over the past two years, we have embarked on a program to simplify our fibre access portfolio, with the goal of reducing complexity and achieving a simpler, more sustainable portfolio. This initiative seeks to phase out older Chorus plans which are no longer relevant or utilised, and where a similar or better alternative product exists.


Why are we doing this?

We have heard from our customers that our current product offering is complex, which makes it difficult to drive and manage change. We believe the proposed product simplification will lead to a simpler, more logical portfolio that delivers clear value.



We would like to consult with you on the plans we propose to grandfather (stop-sell) and/or withdraw.

  • “Grandfathering” (or “stop-sell”) means that from the grandfathering date (1) No new orders will be accepted for these plans; and (2) existing connections can remain in place, but no moves, adds or changes can be made for these plans.  
  • “Withdrawal” means that the specified plans will no longer be available for either existing or new users from the withdrawal date. Any existing connections will need to be migrated to an alternative plan (or disconnected) before the withdrawal date. No further orders for these plans will be able to be made.  

Across the following categories:

  • Bitstream 2, including Business NGA Evolve
  • Bitstream 3/a, including NGA Business and Education Hyperfibre
  • HSNS Lite Fibre


Business NGA Evolve - Bitstream 2

  • The following NGA Evolve plans were grandfathered (stop-sell) 25 November 2022.
  • We propose to withdraw these plans 31 March 2025.
  • Small Business Fibre plans provide a viable/better alternative – lower or similar price; inclusion of Business Restore feature.
  • Excludes 30-10-5-5, secondary, voice and private plans.
Business NGA Evolve


NGA Business - Bitstream 3/a  

  • We propose to stop-sell the following Bitstream 3/a products 31 March 2025; withdraw 31 March 2026:
    • NGA Business 1 (BS3a)
    • NGA Business 2 (BS3)    
    • NGA Business 5 (BS3a)
  • NGA Business 200 provides a viable alternative to NGA Business 1 & NGA Business 5; NGA Business 4 provides a viable alternative to NGA Business 2.
  • All plans in the below table are the same price for the same LTC and HTC (CIR) bandwidth combination. 
Proposed Bitstream 3/a


NGA Business Point-to-Point  

  • NGA P2P Business 2 includes several different high traffic class bandwidth profiles – from 2.5Mb to 100Mb.
  • Where NGA Business P2P Business 2 bandwidth profiles do not have any connections, these were grandfathered (stop-sell) November 2022.  
  • We propose to withdraw the same NGA P2P Business 2 bandwidth profiles 31 March 2025.
  • All NGA P2P Business 2 bandwidth profiles that have connections will not be grandfathered at this stage.  
NGA P2P Business


Bitstream 3a - Education Hyperfibre  

  • Education Hyperfibre was grandfathered (stop-sell) 1 September 2022.  
  • We propose to withdraw Education Hyperfibre 31 March 2025. 
Education Hyperfibre

Note: Education Hyperfibre pricing in above table compares plans with 100Mb symmetrical HTC.

HSNS Lite Fibre

  • We propose to grandfather (stop-sell) HSNS Lite Fibre 31 March 2025; withdraw HSNS Lite Fibre 31 March 2027.
  • The above grandfather and withdrawal dates apply to all HSNS Lite Fibre plans.
  • Suggested alternatives include (where available):
    • Bitstream 3/a products such as NGA Business or Business Hyperfibre.
    • P2P products such as Business Premium and DFAS.
    • High Priority Access for HSNS Lite Fibre connections within Chorus UFB. 
HSNS Lite Fibre



CategoryProductScopeStop-sellWithdrawalRecommended alternate product(s)
Bitstream 2Business NGA EvolveSelected plansDone - Nov '22Proposed - 31 March 2025Small Business Fibre
Bitstream 3NGA Business 2All B/W profilesProposed - 31 March 2025Proposed - 31 March 2026NGA Business 4
Bitstream 3aNGA Business 1All B/W profilesProposed - 31 March 2025Proposed - 31 March 2026NGA Business 200
Bitstream 3aNGA Business 5All B/W profilesProposed - 31 March 2025Proposed - 31 March 2026NGA Business 200
Bitstream 3aNGA P2P Business Profiles without connectionsDone - Nov '22Proposed - 31 March 2025N/A 
Bitstream 3aEducation HyperfibreAll B/W profilesDone - Sep '22Proposed - 31 March 2025Business Hyperfibre
HSNSHSNS Lite FibreAll B/W profilesProposed - 31 March 2025Proposed - 31 March 2027Business Premium; HPA; DFAS; Hyperfibre etc

We want to make this as easy as possible, so we are interested to hear what would help. Consultation closes on 7 December 2023, please provide feedback via this form. Any information provided by you will be used in line with our privacy policy which may include your feedback being published in a summarised form and Chorus getting in touch about your feedback.

Next stepsTarget timings
Consultation opens1 November 2023
Product forum paper with background and drawing attention to consult2 for 9 November 2023
Consultation ends - new dateThursday 7 December 2023
Chorus to synthesise learnings and agree next stepsMid-January 2024
Chorus to communicate learnings and outcomes to industryLate January or early February 2024
Product forum paper with learnings and next steps~1 for 8 February 2024