
Fibre Ordering

Query Order Feasibility

This B2B service allows you to query a location and determine if a product offer can be provisioned or if changes can be made to existing product(s).

Related Product

This service is available for fibre products.


The data elements and attributes that may be used by this service are described below.

Order Elements

The order elements contain Order header information. The following table describes the Order elements.

id   O Identifier for the order (this value will be reused as the Order id).
type Mandatory I/O Type of order.
OrderItem Mandatory I/O Details of the order items.
Order - type

The following table describes the values provided by the type element.

Connect Primary New connection for a primary product offer, where there is no existing primary product offer at the location.
Connect Additional ONT New connection for a primary product offer, where there is an existing or pending primary product offer at the location.
Connect Secondary New connection for a secondary product offer, where there is an existing primary product offer at the location.
Connect and Replace

New Connection for a primary product offer, where there is an existing primary product offer at this location, which must be disconnected, and replaced by your incoming order.

This order type is used when your end-customer is moving in to a property and assuming ownership.

Disconnect Primary Disconnect of a primary product offer, where there is an active product instance.
Disconnect Secondary Disconnect of a secondary product offer, where there is an active product instance.
Change Offer Change of an existing product offer for an existing product instance – for the same RSP, end customer andlocation.
Modify Attribute Modification of product attributes of an existing product instance.
Modify Attribute Order a CSE for an existing product instance.
Move Primary

Move your existing offer to a property where there is no existing primary product offer at the location.

Note: If consent is required at the new address you will need to complete Disconnect and Connect orders instead of a Move.

Move Additional ONT Add an additional ONT as part of the move.
Move and Replace

New Connection for a primary product offer and disconnection of an existing customer product offer at a different location.

Where there is an existing primary product offer at this location, which must be disconnected, and replaced by your incoming order.

This order type is used when your end-customer is moving in to a property and assuming ownership.

Transfer Primary Transfer of an existing primary product offerfrom another RSP to the Gaining (requesting) Service provider – for the same end customer and location.
Transfer Secondary Transfer of an existing secondary product offerfrom another RSPto the Gaining (requesting) Service provider – for the same end customer and location.

Order - OrderItem Elements

The OrderItem elements contain details of the Order items. The following table describes the OrderItem elements.

id   O Order item identifier.
action Mandatory I/O Type of action to be performed.
Place Mandatory I/O Location details.
Timing   O Timing information for order items.
ExistingProviderDetail Conditional I/O Existing provider and product details.
ProductOffering Conditional I/O Chorus catalogue product offering details.
Product Conditional I/O Product details.
Order - OrderItem - action

The following table describes the values provided by the action element.


Creates or connects a new product for the customer.

Note: this includes moves and transfers.

modify Modify or change the characteristics of an existing product.
relinquish Relinquish or disconnect an existing product.
Order - OrderItem - Place

The following table describes the Place element.


Primary key for address or location.

The Place id is commonly referred to as:

  • The Supplier Location ID


  • The Location Code (TLC).

Order - OrderItem - Timing Elements

The following table describes the Timing elements.

name   O Description of the dateTime value.
dateTime   O Date and time value.

Date and time values use the xsd:dateTime format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+[UTC offset, e.g. 12:00].

Order - OrderItem - Timing - name

The following table describes the values provided by the name element.

ORDER_DATE Date and time of the order feasibility request.
Order - OrderItem - ExistingProviderDetail

The ExistingProviderDetail elements contain details of the existing provider (RSP) and product being replaced. The following table describes the values provided by the ExistingProviderDetail element.

productId Product identifier for the product being replaced by the successful completion of the order.
existingProviderName Chorus system name for the customer who owns of the product that is being replaced.
Order - OrderItem - ProductOffering

The following table describes the values provided by the ProductOffering element.

id Chorus catalogue product offering identifier.
name Chorus catalogue product offering name.
Order - OrderItem - Product

The following table describes the values provided by the Product element.

id Product identifier.

OrderFeasibilityResult Elements

The following table describes the OrderFeasibilityResult elements.

id   O Identifier for OrderFeasibilityResult.
ValidFor   O Start and end dates for the period the order feasibility is valid.
OrderFeasibilityResult - ValidFor

The following table describes the values provided by the ValidFor element.

startDateTime Start date and time of the period that order feasiblity is valid.
endDateTime End date and time of the period that order feasiblity is valid.

Date and time values use the xsd:dateTime format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+[UTC offset, e.g. 12:00].

The ValidFor period calculation is based on the classification of the order contents shown in the following table.

Family Type == Bitstream 5 days.
Family Type == CSE 30 days.

Note: Where there are multiple classifications within a single order feasibility request, the shortest period will be applied.

OrderFeasibilityResult - OrderFeasibilityResultItem Elements

The following table describes the OrderFeasibilityResultItem elements.

id   O Identifier for the OrderFeasibilityResultItem.
FEASIBILITY_CODE   O Feasibility reason code.
FEASIBILITY_REASON   O Describes why the order is or is not feasible.
DEMAND_POINT_TYPE   O Describesthedwellingorsituation at the address.
INSTALL_TYPE   O Type of installation expected to be required.
CONSENT_REQUIRED   O Flag to indicate if consent is required.
DESIGN_REQUIRED   O Flag to indicate if design is required.
BUILD_REQUIRED   O Flag to indicate if a build is required.
AVAILABILITY_STATUS   O Describes the fibre avaiability status at the address.

Data handover ID(s) for this location.

All available handover IDs are returned. This applies to all order types except Disconnect Primary and Disconnect Secondary.


ATA Voice handover ID(s) for this location.

All available handover IDs are returned. This applies to all order types except Disconnect Primary and Disconnect Secondary.

AVAILABLE_RFS_DATES   O An array of RFS Dates available for completion of the order. Returned for orders that do not require a site visit.
OrderFeasibilityResultItem - OrderFeasibilityResultItemDetail - FEASIBILITY_CODE

The following table describes the values provided by the FEASIBILITY_CODE element.

999 Placing the order will require manual activity by Chorus, it is not feasible in its current state.
998 The order is feasible and can be submitted to initiate provisioning.
997 Closed, the feasibility check shows that placing the order is not possible.
996 This reason code would not be returned by the web service.
OrderFeasibilityResultItem - OrderFeasibilityResultItemDetail - FEASIBILITY_REASON

The following table describes the values provided by the FEASIBILITY_REASON element.

Note: as shown in the table, not all FEASIBILITY_CODE values have a corresponding FEASIBILITY_REASON.

Order Not feasible (default reason when no specific reason exists) 999
Consentdeclined in the location.RequestManualFeasibility to proceed if required. 999
Fibre is not available in the location. Request Manual Feasibility to proceed if required. 999
Feasibility request requires manual investigation. 999
Feasible to Order (default reason when no specific reason exists) 998
Design and Build is required if Customer Order is submitted for this location. 998
Consent is required if Customer Order is submitted. 998
Feasible to Provide Service at Location.Select an appointment to proceed to Customer Order. 998
Your order is feasible at the given location, please select an RFS date 998
Hyperfibre Design and Build is required before appointment selection if Customer Order is submitted for this location. 998
Order Not Feasible (default reason when no specific reason exists) 997
Product Instance has inflight order, you will need to cancel any inflight orders against the product and try again 997
The same ONT has inflight product order, you will need to cancel any inflight orders first and then try again. 997
Replace Product Instance has inflight order, you will need to cancel any inflight orders against product and try again 997
Insufficient resources available 997
Product Instance does not exist at specified location 997
Invalid address or location 997
Customer not onboarded for requested Product Offer 997
The Product Instance provided belongs to a different customer 997
Unbundled services are not available at this location 997
Cannot transfer a Product Instance ID that already belongs to customer placing order 997
No existing instances, try Move Primary Offer 997
Aim requires an offering 997
Unknown aim / order type combination 997
Aim requires a product offering 997
Aim requires a Product Instance 997
Unknown location 997
No existing instances, try Connect Primary Offer 997
There are available ONT's or no ONT exists, try Connect Primary 997
No suitable ONT is available 997
Supplied ONT ID is not valid 997
ONT ID and TLC combination is not valid 997
Request validation failed: Primary Product Instance is not supplied or incompatible with supplied ONT ID 997
Product characteristic <Characteristic name> does not belong to product offer 997
Request validation failed: Characteristic [name: X, value: Y] out of range 997
No existing primary instance for Connect Secondary 997
Voice is not supported as a separate service when the ONT is in RGW mode, as the ATA ports are configured through the RGW service 997
Request validation failed: Primary Product Instance is not supplied 997
Contact details incorrect 997
Existing open order 997
Invalid order type 997
Invalid Product ID 997
Invalid Provider name given for Transfer 997
Invalid address or location 997
Fibre not yet available at this location 997
Invalid or non existing POI 997
Resources not available 997
Your order is not feasible. Please try again later. 997
Losing Service Provider Name is invalid. 997
Handover Connection not available 997
The current ONT mode does not support this 997
No free suitable ports are available to support this request 997
No existing primary instance for Connect Secondary 997
Feasibility has Expired. Please submit another one for this Location. 996
OrderFeasibilityResultItem - OrderFeasibilityResultItemDetail - DEMAND_POINT_TYPE

The following table describes the values provided by the demand point type element.

MDU Multiple Dwelling Unit.
Unknown Not able to determined based on our inventory records.
SDU Single Dwelling Unit.
Subdivision Exists in an area of known development.
NBAP Non-Building Access Point.
OrderFeasibilityResultItem - OrderFeasibilityResultItemDetail - INSTALL_TYPE

The following table describes the values provided by the install type element.

Unknown Not able to determine based on our inventory records.
Standard Install

Zero install cost for residential customers.

CFH Service LevelAgreements (SLA) apply:

  • four days residential
  • six days business.
Non-Standard Install

Price on application (POA) install.

CFH SLAs do not apply

Standard Install (Basic)

Extend cable to 200m until capital runs out for business customers.

Zero install cost for residential customers.

CFH SLAs do not apply.

OrderFeasibilityResultItem - OrderFeasibilityResultItemDetail - CONSENT_REQUIRED

The following table describes the values provided by the consent required element.

Y Location is an MDU or SDU on a Right of Way that does not already have consent.
N Location either does not require consent, or already has consent.
OrderFeasibilityResultItem - OrderFeasibilityResultItemDetail - DESIGN_REQUIRED

The following table describes the values provided by the design required element.

Y Location requires a design.
N Location does not require design, or already has a design.
OrderFeasibilityResultItem - OrderFeasibilityResultItemDetail - BUILD_REQUIRED

The following table describes the values provided by the build required element.

Y Location is not ready for provisioning and will require build to be undertaken.
N Location does not require additional build.
OrderFeasibilityResultItem - OrderFeasibilityResultItemDetail - AVAILABLE_RFS_DATES

The following table describes the values provided by the AVAILABLE_RFS_DATES element.

Note: we intend to change this functionality, it is documented here for completeness only in it's current form. We will stop providing the list of dates and only return the AVAILABLE_RFS_DATES element.

Use Query Appointment Availability to retrieve a list of RFS dates and times.

AVAILABLE_CONNECT_RFS_DATE_TIME Available RFS date and time for a connection.
AVAILABLE_DISCONNECT_RFS_DATE_TIME Available RFS date and time for a disconnection.

Date and time values use the xsd:dateTime format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+[UTC offset, e.g. 12:00].

SiteVisit Elements

TheSiteVisit ids will be listed against theirrelativeOrderItem(s) using the structure OrderItem -SiteVisitidandagainunderOrderwiththedetailsofthesitevisiti.e.Order-SiteVisit-id-type,bookable,etc.

The following table describes the SiteVisit elements.

id   O SiteVisit identifier. Unique id used forthe site visit required by the feasibility request. It is used in subsequent Appointmentscenarios.
bookable   O Indicates if the site visit is bookable.
type   O Purpose of the site visit.
SiteVisit - bookable

The bookable indicator setting is determined by the order feasibility result, the following table describes the values provided by the SiteVisit - bookable element.


Site visit appointment can be booked.

If this value is returned indicated prior to CreateOrder, it indicates that the appointment must be in a reserved condition at the time we receive the CreateOrder request.


Site visit appointment cannot be booked at this time.

If this value is returned prior to CreateOrder, it indicates that an appointment cannot be reserved before CreateOrder is submitted. We will use the Notification touchpoint after the order submission to request that you book appointments when required.

SiteVisit - type

The following table describes the values provided by the type element.

Scope Site visit for scoping.
Install Site visit for Installation.
Install/CSE Site visit for Installation and Customer Service Experience.
CSE Site visit for Customer Service Experience.
CONNECT_RFS_DATE_TIME Service connection dates.
DISCONNECT_RFS_DATE_TIME Service disconnection dates.


Query Order Feasibility Request Details

Service Name


Service Inputs

The Order - type and OrderItem - Action fields are mandatory for requesting this service.

Thefollowingtableshowsthepossibleorderscenarios,thevaluesofOrder-typeandOrderItem-action fields, and the associated mandatory input criteria / fields.

Connect Connect Primary new
  • Product Offering id
  • Place id
Required for each new product offering.
  Connect Additional ONT new
  • Product Offering id
  • Place id
Required for each new product offering.
  Connect Secondary new
  • Product Offering id
  • Place id
Required for each new product offering.
  Connect and Replace new
  • Product Offering id
  • Place id
  • Existing Provider
  • ProductId
Required for each new product offering.
Move Move Primary new
  • Product Offering id
  • Place id
Required for each new product offering.
  • Product id
  Move Additional ONT new
  • Product Offering id
  • Place id
Required for each new product offering.
  • Product id
  Move and Replace new
  • Product Offering id
  • Place id
  • Existing Provider
  • ProductId
Existing provider's productId, must match an active product id in our product inventory for this location.
  • Product id
Modify Change Offer new
  • Product Offering id
  • Place id
  • Product id
  Modify Attribute modify
  • Product id
Used for modifying an existing product instance.
  Modify Attribute modify
  • Product id
Used for ordering CSE by itself.
  • Product Offering id
  • Place id
Disconnect Disconnect Primary relinquish
  • Product id
  Disconnect Secondary relinquish
  • Product id
Transfer Transfer Primary new
  • Product Offering id
  • Existing Provider
  • ProductId
  • ExistingProviderName
  • Place id

Existing Provider ProductId, must match an active product id in our product inventory for this location.

ExistingProviderName must match a value in the Chorus Customer managed list.

  Transfer Secondary new
  • Product Offering id
  • Existing Provider
  • ProductId, to be transferred
  • ExistingProviderName
  • Place id

Existing Provider ProductId, must match an active product id in our product inventory for this location.

ExistingProviderName must match a value in the Chorus Customer managed list.

Message Handling Specifications
MEP Synchronous call with Acknowledgement.
Inputs Query order feasibility for a location.
Outputs Synchronous Acknowledgement.
Non-repudiation Yes.
Description Initiates a transaction to query order feasibility.


Query Order Feasibility Response Details

Service Name


Service Outputs

If valid input was provided, the response will contain the results of an order feasibility request. It will include the relevant fields from the following list:

  • Order ID Site
  • Visit information: 
  1. id
  2. type
  3. Bookable
  • Data and Voice Handover IDs
  • Consent status
  • MDU Design and Build status
  • Feasibility code
  • Feasibility reason
  • Demand Point Type
  • Available RFS Dates for selection
  • Expiry date and time.
Message Handling Specifications
MEP Synchronous call with Acknowledgement.
Inputs Response to your query of order feasibility for a location.
Outputs Synchronous Acknowledgement.
Non-repudiation Yes.
Description Query order feasibility is processed or has an exception.