BIC114: Supplier Notifies Losing Customer of Transfer (Relinquish) | Chorus service providers

Fibre Ordering

BIC114: Supplier Notifies Losing Customer of Transfer (Relinquish)


Supplier Notifies Losing Customer of Transfer (Relinquish)


This process provides us with the ability to notify you that your customer has transferred to another service provider.

Related B2B Services

  • Supplier Amends Order

Preceded by

  • Customer Creates Order

Succeeded by

  • N/A

Flow - Supplier Notifies Losing Customer of Transfer (Relinquish)

Flow - Supplier Notifies Losing Customer of Transfer (Relinquish)


Your end customer has chosen to transfer to another service provider, who has created a transfer order.

The transfer order has been completed.


You receive our notification to confirm that the end customer has transferred.

Basic Path


1 Send a create order notification to advise losing service provider that billing will cease. Chorus
2 Receive the notification and action asappropriate using theProduct ID or TLC to correlate with yourrecords Customer


Use Cases

The following table describes the use cases that support this business process.

Click on the scenario link to view the XML sample.

Create Order Notification: CEASE_BILLING

Create Order Notification: CEASE_BILLING message is sent to advise you that your end customer has been transferred to another RSP.

The notification will not contain an Order ID. For this reason you will have to use the product ID or TLC to correlate the notification.

  • Existing provider details
  • productid location
  • Notification details


Success Criteria

This section provides a list of the User Story References that we have met in this business process, as defined by the Ultra-Fast Broadband BSS / OSS Business Interaction Framework.

The document is available from:

Refer to the TCF website for documentation.

US411 As a Service Provider I want to know whenever a customer is transferring away from me so I do not impede or stop the transfer process or disconnect before time AND so that the end customer doesn’t inadvertently lose services as a result of the transfer.
SC411.01 Losing Service Provider is notified by the LFC of the Product Instance ID(s) that is/are to be relinquished as part of the transfer request.
SC411.02 The Losing Service Provider will not use the notification as a trigger to contact the LFC directly in an attempt to stop the Transfer request.
US412 As a Service Provider I want to be able to ensure that any solution for transfer notification can be automated so that I can make the process more efficient and effective.
US417 As a Losing Service Provider I want to be able to approve or reject a transfer so that I can prevent erroneous Transfers.
SC417.01 In the pre-transfer notification, the Gaining Service Provider provides a Unique Identifierthat the Losing Service Provider can relate to a service that they provide to their Customer.
SC417.02 In the pre-transfer notification, the Gaining Service Provider provides the End CustomerAccount Numberthat the LosingServiceProvider can use to identify their End Customer.
US419 As a Gaining Service Provider I want a deadline to apply to Transfer notifications so that a Losing Service Provider cannot hold up a Transfer order by not responding.
SC419.01 The notification to the Losing Service Provider includes the deadline date and time before which they may warn the Gaining Service Provider that the Transfer details are incorrect.
US422 As a LosingServiceProviderI want the Transfer notification to include agreed detail of information to enable me to determine if the Transfer request is valid so that erroneous Transfers areminimised.
SC422.01 The Transfer notification to the Losing Service Provider specifies the Product Instance ID of each Product Instance to be relinquished as part of the Transfer.
SC422.02 The Transfer notification to the Losing Service Provider specifies the RFS date and time requested by the Gaining Service Provider.
SC422.03 The Transfer notification to the Losing Service Provider includes billing account ID that the Losing Service Provider bills the End Customer for the Product Instance that is to be transferred.