US411 | As a Service Provider I want to know whenever a customer is transferring away from me so I do not impede or stop the transfer process or disconnect before time AND so that the end customer doesn’t inadvertently lose services as a result of the transfer. |
SC411.01 | Losing Service Provider is notified by the LFC of the Product Instance ID(s) that is/are to be relinquished as part of the transfer request. |
SC411.02 | The Losing Service Provider will not use the notification as a trigger to contact the LFC directly in an attempt to stop the Transfer request. |
US412 | As a Service Provider I want to be able to ensure that any solution for transfer notification can be automated so that I can make the process more efficient and effective. |
US417 | As a Losing Service Provider I want to be able to approve or reject a transfer so that I can prevent erroneous Transfers. |
SC417.01 | In the pre-transfer notification, the Gaining Service Provider provides a Unique Identifierthat the Losing Service Provider can relate to a service that they provide to their Customer. |
SC417.02 | In the pre-transfer notification, the Gaining Service Provider provides the End CustomerAccount Numberthat the LosingServiceProvider can use to identify their End Customer. |
US419 | As a Gaining Service Provider I want a deadline to apply to Transfer notifications so that a Losing Service Provider cannot hold up a Transfer order by not responding. |
SC419.01 | The notification to the Losing Service Provider includes the deadline date and time before which they may warn the Gaining Service Provider that the Transfer details are incorrect. |
US422 | As a LosingServiceProviderI want the Transfer notification to include agreed detail of information to enable me to determine if the Transfer request is valid so that erroneous Transfers areminimised. |
SC422.01 | The Transfer notification to the Losing Service Provider specifies the Product Instance ID of each Product Instance to be relinquished as part of the Transfer. |
SC422.02 | The Transfer notification to the Losing Service Provider specifies the RFS date and time requested by the Gaining Service Provider. |
SC422.03 | The Transfer notification to the Losing Service Provider includes billing account ID that the Losing Service Provider bills the End Customer for the Product Instance that is to be transferred. |