
Fibre Ordering

BIC103: Customer Cancels Order



This process provides you with the ability to cancel an in-flight order and any associated site visit appointments.

Related B2B Services

  • Customer Cancels Order

Preceded by

  • Customer Creates Order

Succeeded by

  • Supplier Amends Order

Flow - Customer Cancels Order


YouhavecreatedanorderusingBIC101:CustomerCreatesOrder,ithasreachedthestateandsubstate Acknowledged/Accepted but has not reached the state of Service Given.


You receive our response notifying you that the state and substate of your order have been changed to In Progress/Intent to Cancel.

If we accept your cancellation request, we will send an Amend Order Notification to advise that the order state and substate have been changed to Closed/Cancelled. The notification will include any outstanding charges.

Basic Path

1 Submit request to cancel an order, including a reason for the cancellation. Customer

Validate the request and determine if the order can be cancelled.

If the cancel order request is invalid refer to alternate flow.

3 Send response to the customer that the order state and substate have been changed. Chorus
4 Receive the cancel order response and update end customer order as appropriate. Customer
5 Accept the cancellation request and notify the customer. Chorus


Alternate Flow 1


If the cancel order request contains invalid values, or the order state and substate do not allow order cancellation, return an error response.

The order will continue through the order fulfilment process flow.

2.2 Return an error response explaining why the order cannot be cancelled. Chorus

Refer to the Exception Codes table for error details.

Business Rules

All If we accept the request to cancel your order we will cancel any unprocessed Amend Order Requests.
New connection

We may charge you costs, asset out in the price list for processing service requests, including the cost of truckrolls/site visits, for orders cancellations if the ready for service date is within:

  • 3 business days for residential connections
  • 5 business days for business/education connections.
Change plan We may charge you costs, as set out in the price list for processing service requests, if the order involved site visits, and is cancelled within 1 business day of the ready for service date.


Exception Codes

The Exception Codes table lists the exceptions that may be returned by this service.

For a full list of exception codes and their meanings see B2B Exception Codes.

000 Backendprocessingerrorencountered-IfproblempersistspleasecontactChorusadmin
026 Request validation failed: {%s}
029 The Order State of the specified Customer Order does not support the selected action
030 The Order ID provided belongs to a different customer


Use Cases

The following use cases support this business process.

Click on the links to view the XML samples.

> Customer Cancels Order

In this example, you use CancelOrderRequest to request the cancellation of an order. We change your order state and substate to In Progress/Intent to Cancel.

We respond to your cancellation request by sending:

  • AmendOrderNotification: CLOSED_CANCELLED to advise you that we have accepted your order cancellation.
Customer Cancels Order  


  • Order id
  • Closure code and reason


  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Intent to Cancel

AmendOrderNotification: CLOSED_CANCELLED

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: Closed/Cancelled

Use Case Exceptions

The following table describes the use case exceptions that support this business process.

Click on the scenario link to view the XML sample.

Customer Cancels Order - the order state does not allow cancellation

Cancel Order Request is executed to cancel an order that has reached the state of Service Given.

An exception response is returned the order continues through the order fulfilment process flow.

  • Order id
  • Closure code and reason
  • Order id
  • Closure code and reason
  • Exception message
Customer Cancels Order - Request does not exist or match the corresponding order record.

Cancel Order Request is executed to cancel an order.

The values in the request do not match the order values.

  • Order id
  • Closure code and reason
  • Order id
  • Closure code and reason
  • Exception message

Success Criteria

This section provides a list of the User Story References that we have met in this business process, as defined by the Ultra-Fast Broadband BSS / OSS Business Interaction Framework.

The document is available from:

Refer to the TCF website for documentation. 

Request Success Criteria

US35 As a Service Provider I want to be able to add my own reference ID to a Service Request order so that I can easily match the order with orders in my own systems.
SC35.01 Service Provider can enter a Service Provider Order Reference ID when submitting a service request via the B2B and/or SSP.
SC35.02 Service Provider can enter any letter, number or punctuation key.
US55 As a Service Provider I want to be able to cancel an order at any time so that my Customer can decide not to proceed if they need to.
SC55.01 Service Provider can cancel the service order up to and including the RFS date.
US56 As the LFC, I want to know why a service order has been cancelled so I can identify issues and trends within the process.
SC56.01 Service Provider can select from a list of reasons when cancelling the service order: End Customer Cancelled; Preferred Installation Date Unavailable; Installation Issue/Complexity; Building owner consent not received; Cost to Connect; or Other.
SC56.02 If other is selected, it is mandatory for the Service Provider to enter the reason in a free text field.
US423 As a Gaining Service Provider I want to be able to cancel a Transfer request so that I can avoid an erroneous transfer.
SC423.01 The Gaining Service Provider can cancel a Transfer request at any point before the Product Instance(s) to be relinquished as part of the Transfer have been deactivated.
SC423.02 IftheGainingServiceProvidercancelstheTransferrequestthenallrelinquishmentand new connect orders related to the Transfer request will be cancelled. Key NonFunctional References
US203 As an LFC or Service Provider I need all interactions relating to contractual transactions to have a guaranteed, verified delivery, so that commercial disputes can be resolved factually.

Response Success Criteria

US35 As a Service Provider I want to be able to add my own reference ID to a Service Request order so that I can easily match the order with orders in my own systems.
SC35.03 ServiceProviderreferenceisprovidedonallnotificationsregardingtheservicerequest order.
US38 As a Service Provider I want standardised service order states from the LFCs so I can have consistent order management procedures across LFCs.
SC38.01 The LFCs agree a common set of service states which are captured in the business interaction framework.
US39 As a Service Provider I want standardised service order notifications from the LFCs so I can have consistent order management procedures across LFCs.
SC39.01 The LFCs agree a common set of service order notifications which are captured in the business interaction framework.
SC39.09 The Order Reference Number is included on all order notifications.
SC39.10 The Service Provider Order Reference number is included on all order notifications.
SC39.11 The date and time is included on all order notifications.
SC39.12 LFC uses a formatted template for the notifications.
US40 As an LFC I want to validate the information entered within the service request on the OSS/BSS before the order is submitted so I can be assured of quality.
SC40.05 When a Service Request submitted via the B2B has failed the validation check, The LFC can send information on which fields failed the validation check.
US42 As theServiceProviderI want to receive a notification when my service request has been confirmed so I that can pre-configure the end-user service, and manage Customer expectation.
SC42.01 Service Provider receives confirmation that the service request has been confirmed.
US49 As a Service Provider I want to know if amending or cancelling an order is going to incur a cost so I can advise my Customer and charge them accordingly for any Customer initiated change.
SC49.02 Service Provider is told when amending the order of the charge incurred.
US56 As the LFC, I want to know why a service order has been cancelled so I can identify issues and trends within the process.
SC56.01 Service Provider can select from a list of reasons when cancelling the service order: End Customer Cancelled; Preferred Installation Date Unavailable; Installation Issue/Complexity; Building owner consent not received; Cost to Connect; or Other.
SC56.02 If other is selected, it is mandatory for the Service Provider to enter the reason in a free text field.
US423 As a Gaining Service Provider I want to be able to cancel a Transfer request so that I can avoid an erroneous transfer
SC423.01 TheGainingServiceProvider can cancelaTransferrequest atany pointbefore the ProductInstance(s)toberelinquishedaspartoftheTransferhavebeendeactivated. Key Non-Functional References
US203 As an LFC or Service Provider I need all interactions relating to contractual transactions to have a guaranteed, verified delivery, so that commercial disputes can be resolved factually.