
This B2B service allows you to retrieve a snapshot of an order belonging to you.

Related Business Process

Related Product

This service is available for fibre products.

The order elements contain Order header information. The following table describes the Order elements

> Order Elements

The order elements contain Order header information. The following table describes the Order elements.

id Conditional I/O Order identifier.
CustomerReferenceId Conditional I/O Youruniqueorderreferencenumber for matching this order to your records.

> Notification Elements

The following table provides details of the Notification elements.

id   O Notification identifier.
type   O Type of information contained in the notification.
dateTime   O Date and time values using the xsd:dateTime format: YYYY-MMDDTHH:MM:SS+[UTC offset, e.g. 12:00].
NotificationItem   O Details of the notification.
notificationMessage   O Base 64 encoded zip containing the message body of the original notification, i.e. all content including the Touchpoint tags.

-- Notification - type

The following table describes the values provided by the type element in InformOrderNotification messages.

STATUS Advise you of a status update that has been given to your customer.

Free-textupdatesfromtheChorusProvisioningteam,corresponding to:

progress in obtaining consents management of an escalation miscellaneous information.


Free-textupdatesfromtheChorusProvisioningteam,corresponding to:

progress in obtaining consents management of an escalation miscellaneous information.

REJECT_CANCEL Confirms that you have rejected our request to cancel your order.

The following table describes the values provided by the type element inAmendOrderNotification messages.

ACKNOWLEDGED_ACCEPTED Your order has been validated and accepted.
RFS_CONFIRMED Yourorderready for servicedatehasbeen confirmed.
CONSENT_REQUIRED Consent is required for your order.
CONSENT_REQUESTED Consent has been requested for your order.
CONSENT_GAINED Consent has been gained for your order.
CONSENT_DECLINED Consent has been declined for your order.
GENERATE_QUOTATION A quote is being generated for your order.
INTENT_TO_CANCEL A request has been made to cancel your order.
NETWORK_DESIGN The network design is in progress.
NETWORK_BUILD The network build is in progress.
SCOPING_SCHEDULED Scoping for this order has been scheduled.
SCHEDULED The order has been scheduled.
INVESTIGATION_REQUIRED Your order requires investigation.
QUOTE_ACCEPTANCE We are waiting on your acceptance of our quote.
HELD_SCHEDULE_SCOPING You need to schedule scoping for this order.
HELD_SCHEDULE_INSTALL You need to schedule the install for this order.
HELD_PROVIDER_TO_ADVISE You need to provide information to Chorus before the order can progress.
HELD_PENDING_DISCONNECT_ACCEPTANCE We are waiting for a response from the losing customer to our CreateOrderNotification disconnect product before we complete your replace order.
SERVICE_GIVEN The installation work is now complete. The end user should now be able to use the service at their location.
COMPLETED_BILLING Network activities are complete and Billing activities are under action.
CLOSED_CANCELLED Your order has been cancelled and closed.
CLOSED_COMPLETED Your order has been completed and closed.
SVM_EVENT Your order site visit has been updated.
ESCALATION_ACCEPTED We have accepted your order escalation.
ESCALATION_COMPLETED Your order escalation has been completed.
ESCALATION_DECLINED We have declined your order escalation.
AMEND_ORDER_COMPLETED We have made an amendment to your order that is not covered by a response or another notification. E.g. Where you have made an amendment via the Chorus Portal.

-- Notification - NotificationItem

The following table provides details of the NotificationItem elements.


Notification item identifier.

A unique id will be returned with each notification item.

description Description of the notification item.
reference XPath reference of the notification item.

> OrderEventHistory Elements

The following table provides details of the OrderEventHistory elements.

documentName   O Notification identifier.
fileAttachment   O

Base 64 encoded zip containing the history of the order as tracked in the Chorus OrderManager.

Information is provided using XML tags.

-- OrderEventHistory - documentName

The following table describes the values provided by the documentName element.

ORDER_EVENT_HISTORY File attachment name.

-- OrderEventHistory - XML tags

The following table provides the XML tags and descriptions.

Note: some naming conventions and visibility may differ from that contained within the regularB2B messaging.

ns2:customerOrderEventID Event ID
ns2:eventActivity Event Activity
ns2:eventType Portal Order History: Type
ns2:eventAction Portal Order History: Action
ns2:eventDate Portal Order History: Event Date
ns2:sourceApplication Portal Order History: Source
ns2:activityCustomerName Portal Order History:
ns2:description Portal Order History: Expanded description of the event

Query Order Request Details

-- Service Name


-- Service Inputs

One of the following fields must be used requesting this service:

  • Order id
  • customerReferenceId

Note: we recommend using the Order id to request this service.

-- Message Handling Specifications

MEP Synchronous call with Acknowledgement.
Inputs Query for order and notification details.
Outputs Synchronous Acknowledgement.
Non-repudiation Yes.
Description Initiates a transaction to query an order.

Query Order Response Details


-- Service Outputs

If valid input was provided the response will contain the current order details and notification history.

Details of the elements and values that may be provided in the response are listed in following web services:

  • Customer Creates Order
  • Supplier Amends Order