
Ethernet Handover

Technical specifications

How it works

Specific unbundled services available over handover links are:

  • Unbundled Bitstream Service (UBS)
  • Basic Unbundled Bitstream Access (Basic UBA)
  • Enhanced Unbundled Bitstream Access (Enhanced UBA), in accordance with the timetable set out in the UBA Standard Terms Determination (STD)
  • High Speed Network Services (HSNS)
  • Unbundled Partial Circuits (UPC).

Technical constraints mean that not all unbundled services can be delivered over a shared handover link.

A handover link has two components:

  • Handover connection – from the handover point to the Optical Fibre Distribution Frame (OFDF) in the exchange where the handover point is located
  • Handover fibre – from the OFDF to the service provider’s equipment.

We can provide both components, or can provide just a handover connection and the service provider supplies the handover fibre.


A service provider can request a handover link at any of Chorus’s handover points.
Please note that the distance between Chorus and service provider’s equipment is limited to a 5km radius from the handover point.

Set-up requirements

Service provider equipment needs to be ‘carrier grade’ quality, compliant with all relevant standards for interfaces and protocol interactions between Chorus and service provider networks.