
We're steadily adding resources to meet install demand

This has resulted in more capacity in specific areas around the country. If you’ve been holding off promotions because of capacity concerns, now’s the time to start again.

What's happening?

We’ve been growing our number of fibre technicians up and down the country. However, various regions have differing demand and supply issues, meaning it’s not a uniform change to lead times. It does mean that some areas have more capacity and shorter lead times.

These areas currently include:

  1. Auckland
  2. Rotorua
  3. Taupo
  4. Whakatane

Now’s the perfect time to consider marketing to customers in these areas.

What's the detail?

If you’d like more detail on install lead times, check our ‘NGA lead times by region’ report. We can also help with providing addresses that can get fibre.

Phase two of our Gignation campaign finishes on 20 November 2016. While we’re not advertising specifically to the four areas above, we are using digital ads to prompt fibre uptake and gigabit upsells.

For areas not listed, we know additional resources are still needed. We’re currently working with our service company partners to find a long-term solution. In the meantime, these four areas are ideal for fibre connnections now.

Who do I contact?

Please contact your account manager with any queries or feedback.