
We're planning to upgrade our new gigabit services

After consulting many of you at the TCF Product Forum, we’ll be increasing the upstream speed of our top-level plans.

What's happening?

You've given us the go ahead. Thanks to your feedback, we'll increase the upstream speed of our Max, Gignation and Gigatown plans. The increase occurs on the layer 2 upstream speed, from 500 to 550 Mbps. We're planning for this upgrade to occur on the evening of 22 February 2017. This applies to:

  • SME Max-500-2.5-2.5
  • Home Fibre 920
  • Evolve Max-2.5-2.5
  • Gigatown Business
  • Gigatown Residential

It'll then be implemented on 23 February 2017. Your end customers on these plans can enjoy at least 500Mbps upstream – provided you’ve adjusted your network profiles (if needed). Don’t worry. You can continue ordering these plans as per your usual process. We’ll also bill you at the same price.

What's the detail?

Technically, we’re overclocking the upstream in line with other Accelerate offers. We introduced overclocking (or adding additional bandwidth at layer 2) so end customers can see their headline speed on a layer 3 speed meter.

On 22 February, we’ll increase the upload speed of our residential and business Bitstream 2 offers to 550Mbps. We’ll adjust the Bitstream 2, layer 2, low traffic class upstream profile:


Current500 Mbps500 Mbps497.5 Mbps180 kB2.5 Mbps32 kB

New500 Mbps550 Mbps547.5 Mbps180 kB2.5 Mbps32 kB

High traffic class and downstream QoS profiles are unaffected.

We follow international standards for gigabit fibre. This means we don’t add a buffer to downstream traffic, for the 5-10% of 1Gbps download capacity that is used by Ethernet and TCP/IP protocols to structure and carry customers’ data. This isn’t the case for Chorus fibre 50, 100 and 200 Mbps options.

The changes will be applied without any service interruption - using Accelerate’s overclocking overhead. We don’t expect to see significant changes in handover or network utilisation.


Who do I contact?

If you'd like more information, please contact your service delivery manager.