
Updating our UFB2 reference offer

Overall, you’ll find UFB2 and UFB1’s offerings to be highly similar. All service descriptions and prices are the same, however there are some differences: 

  • Service level terms for Fibre Services – we’ve included a new service level for overall provisioning time.
  • Service level terms for Bitstream Services – there’s a new traffic performance measure, service level for overall provisioning time, and revised availability service level to reflect UFB2’s remoteness.
  • Operations manual for Direct Fibre – we’ve changed the standard install and included additional coverage areas.
  • Operations manual for Bitstream Services – we’ve changed the standard install, added a traffic performance measure and added additional coverage areas.
  • Operations manual for Central Office and POI Colocation Services – we’ve included the additional coverage areas.

Your Product Forum representative has a copy of the UFB2 changes against the latest approved UFB1 reference offer.

The UFB2 updates do not affect the provision of UFB1 services, which will continue under the UFB1 reference offer (available at and any variations/offers.

Supporting details

We committed to providing CFH with a UFB2 reference offer 4 weeks prior to UFB2’s launch. We intended for the changes required for UFB2, to either be captured or superseded in UFB1’s service level updates. We have been negotiating these via the Product Forum.

We only received the last of the feedback on the proposed UFB1 service level documents recently, which has meant that we weren’t able to complete the UFB1 and UFB2 updates within the required time frame. That’s why we’re progressing with UFB2’s updates separately.

Next steps

We’re seeking your feedback on UFB2’s updates. Please provide any comments via email to, or at the Product Forum on 10 August 2017. Once approved, the UFB2 documents will be available on our website with the current UFB1 documents.