
New business installation videos

To give you more insight into the installation process, we’ve created 3 new videos that walk you through the important details for ordering and installing business fibre. The videos cover:

  • Have you got the right solution? Explains the features of the Standard and Premium service wraps, the fibre options available and what additional support is provided.
  • Vital information during the ordering process. Lists what you need to confirm with your business customer e.g. 3 days lead time, location, site contacts, onsite requirements, checklist, etc.
  • What happens during an installation? Explains the ABC process, in the context of business installs. While it’s similar to residential installs, there are certain key differences.

You’ll find all three videos under: Tools and Support>The installation process (expand the Business tab). Alternatively, they're also presented below. 

Have you got the right solution from Chorus Service Provider on Vimeo.

Vital information during the ordering process from Chorus Service Provider on Vimeo.


What happens during an installation from Chorus Service Provider on Vimeo.


Next steps

Please contact your service delivery manager with any queries or feedback.