
Trialling our new Bitstream 4 service

Based on your feedback, we’ve been developing a new Bitstream 4 service that runs over our NGA (UFB) fibre network. It includes features and benefits above our current HSNS Premium service.

We’re about to begin trials now, so we can take your feedback on board during its final development. If you consume HSNS Premium (our current Bitstream 4 service) or offer high performing business services, we’d like you to join us on the trial.

What’s changing

Our new Bitstream 4 service is a premium business service designed as a lifecycle upgrade to our current HSNS Premium. There’s no plan to withdraw HSNS Premium, but we hope the new Bitstream 4's features will make it your preferred choice.

Supporting details

We’d like you to join our technical trial of the new Bitstream 4 service before 30 September 2017. This trial supports up to 20 connections in the Auckland UFB coverage area. You can take up to four connections during the trial. You’ll then be able to evaluate the features and attributes of this service. It’ll also let us finalise our fulfil and assure processes. Note the trial connections are not intended to be used for commercial operations and there'll be some limitations (e.g. ordering and faults will need to be processed manually).

As a lifecycle upgrade for HSNS Premium, the new Bitstream 4 service is an equivalent product. However, it also has additional benefits:

  • Uses our next generation fibre network, providing consistent SLAs and a more comprehensive roadmap of new features and speeds.
  • Supports High / Low traffic classes and premium applications.
  • Shares UFB handovers with our other services in the Bitstream family.
  • Features that allow a greater level of self-management.
  • Supports resilient (LAG) handovers.

Following this trial, we’d like to offer a limited commercial trial. This will be followed by a service launch, likely to be in 2018.

Next steps

For more information on the technical trial agreement or service description, look under this page’s Resources. Please contact your service delivery manager if you have any queries or would like to take part in the trial.