
Reminder – UFB Price Changes take effect from 1 October 2022

In July we confirmed an increase of 5.49% to most fibre services we provide under the 2022 CSA. We also confirmed that the regulated services (broadband anchor service, voice anchor service and LUDFAS) and the Fibre 300 plan would increase by 5.49% too. This is a reminder that the new pricing will take effect from this weekend, 1 October 2022.  


What’s happening 

We are applying an increase of 5.49% to all fibre services we provide under the 2022 CSA from 1 October 2022 other than the alternative price adjustments listed below:  

  • Hyperfibre – we’re confirming price reductions across all Bitstream 2 and Bitstream 3a Hyperfibre plans to encourage early adoption.  
  • Consumer Fibre Max – we want to continue to support upsell so a limited increase of 3.6% ($2.00) will apply to this plan.  
  • Small Business Fibre Max – we will continue to hold the pricing of this plan at the existing $65.00 price point. 
  • Home Fibre Starter 50 – as this plan only launched 1 April 2022, we are not changing the price where the service provider is making it available at or below the retail price cap of $60. If the retail price exceeds $60.00 per month the standard Fibre 50 plan price will apply. 
  • Fibre 50 plan – we will increase the price of the Fibre 50 plan by the full March CPI (6.9%). For more information regarding the incentive relating to this plan, please see here
  • Chorus Data Connect and Chorus Relay Connect – we will not apply any price adjustment to these services. 
  • Mobile Access – we will not apply any adjustment to the price.

You can check out the full price list for fibre services to which these price changes will be applied here. (Please note you will need to log in to access the price table). 

You’ll find the updated rate cards and price changes under the ‘Price & Offers’ tab of each of the following products. 


Business Products 

Click here for Business Hyperfibre pricing 

Click here for Small Business Hyperfibre pricing 

Click here for NGA Evolve (Bitstream 2) pricing 

Click here for NGA Business (Bitstream 3/3a) pricing 

Click here for Small Business Fibre pricing 


Consumer Products 

Click here for Home Fibre pricing 

Click here for Home Hyperfibre pricing 


Chorus UFB Services Agreement 

Click here for Price List 



For any queries, please contact your account team.