
PONFAS price finalisation & service description update

From 25 March to 29 May, Chorus ran an industry consultation program to gain feedback on the proposed PONFAS price, ancillary charges and service description.
In summary, the balanced feedback we received focused on 3 main areas, our obligations, our proposed price and the physical consumption of the PONFAS service.

We have assessed this feedback with a need to:

  • Provide a service that all customers can use;
  • Protect the integrity of the current network;
  • Ensure a competitive market environment;
  • Meet our regulatory obligations;
  • Create a commercially viable product.

As a result of the feedback and further independent review, we will be reducing the monthly distribution fibre charge from the proposed $28.70 to $28.55, and introducing separate business and residential offers.  All other elements included in the core and ancillary prices will remain unchanged.

Changes have been made to the current service description to reflect the separate business and residential offers, and the latest version is now available on the Chorus service provider’s website. We will finalise this document, along with the PONFAS operations manual and service level terms, later this year.

PONFAS finalised core pricing components



The service description and ancillary price list for PONFAS can be found here.

If you have any questions please make contact with our unbundling business manager Richard Fry.