
Our latest Product Roadmaps are live - September 2021


We’ve updated our Product Roadmaps and Offer/Lifecycle Calendars to reflect the latest progress and changes 


What’s happening? 

These documents provide you with the most recent and complete view of our progress and upcoming plans in the product space, allowing you to plan ahead for upcoming launches and activity. There has been a lot of movement since our last update, so we would recommend reviewing these changes carefully to understand the impacts for you. 


The details  

These documents provide you with the most recent and complete view of our progress and upcoming plans in the product space, allowing you to plan ahead for upcoming launches and activity. There has been a lot of movement since our last update, so we would recommend reviewing these changes carefully to understand the impacts for you. 

There have been some significant changes to the landscape in the last few months, including the introduction of a new ONT and changes to our Future Fibre Portfolio. These updates are reflected in the latest roadmaps, and have resulted in some movement in expected launch dates for other initiatives. We have also refreshed our backlog items to give more visibility of other ideas under consideration. 

You can find the updated roadmaps here: 


Next steps 

We are very interested in your feedback on these new and changed items and would welcome the opportunity to discuss these with you. If you’re keen to share your thoughts now or at any stage, please contact your Account Team or the key people below. 



If you would like us to come and talk to you, please reach out to: