
NGA consumer fibre offer

Informer 290: 12 October 2015

Upgrade an existing entry plan to accelerate plan and we will waive the difference for two months. 

What's happening?

We’re launching a new offer that gives you a two month credit of the price difference for connections who upgrade from NGA Evolve 30-10 2.5 2.5 to NGA Evolve 100-20 2.5.25. E.g. $41-$38.50 = $2.50 per month

Read below for full details and conditions.

What's the detail?

Between 1 November 2015 and 30 June 2016 you will automatically receive a two month credit of the price difference for connections that upgrade from NGA Evolve 30-10 2.5 2.5 to NGA Evolve 100-20 2.5.25.

The offer is valid to existing connections that are at least 3 months old and a change plan has been completed to the NGA Home Fibre 300 offer. Chorus will run a report each month to capture those that meet the below criteria and apply the one off credit.

What's Involved?

  1. This offer is available to all RSPs who change plan meeting the criteria in the table below.

Existing Plan
(>3mths active)

Accelerate Plan

One off credit

Evolve 1Home Fibre 300$5.00

Home Fibre 50 Home Fibre 300

Any private plans with above characteristicsAny private plans with above characteristics

  1. Bulk migration requests to the new plan and back if required will be supported at no cost to the RSP. However, it will be the responsibility of the RSP to arrange migration with Chorus in a timely manner, as no further credits will apply if migration back is not within the waived period.
  2. The waiver of the $5 will be valid to an existing connection only once during this offer period.
  3. All credits will be applied in the following month of the change plan being completed and as a one off total of $5 ($2.50 p/mth x 2 months). The first credit will be applied on the December bill run and final will be in August 2016.

Who do I contact?

For further information please talk to either your Account Manager or Service Delivery Manager.