
More great news for Gigatown

Informer 289: 8 October 2015

Accelerated build plan and extension of Gigatown offer.

What's happening?

We are partnering with Dunedin City Council to accelerate the ultra-fast fibre build programme in Dunedin by 2 years.

As a direct result we’ve also decided to extend the Gigatown trial offer.

What's the detail?

As part of our ongoing commitment to New Zealand’s first Gigatown, Dunedin, we are we are aiming to complete the UFB build by December 2017.

  • Dunedin customers whose addresses are in the current UFB area will be able to check for their new date on 9 November 2015.
  • The updated shape files will also be available online on 9 November 2015.  

Due to the new build programme we are extending the Gigatown trial offer until 31 December 2018, so everyone in Dunedin has the opportunity for a gigabit experience.

Your Account Manager will be in contact to arrange an extension of your Gigatown trial.

The media release is available here.

Who do I contact?

For more information please contact your Account Manager.