
MOE Interim Equity Offer 2022

The Ministry of Education have advised that the current COVID-19 MOE Broadband Support Response is ending on 15 January 2023

Given work continues for a sustainable digital equity product in the market, and the compressed timeframe to provide a solution, Chorus has created an interim equity offer, offering a wholesale input price of $20 per month for each connection (excluding GST) until 30 June 2024. 

High level terms of the offer are: 

  • Effective $20 per month* wholesale price, until 30 June 2024  
  • Available to all RSPs  
  • Applies to Home Fibre 300/100 and all ADSL/VDSL products (best available)  
  • Only applicable for households already connected under the Ministry of Education’s Broadband Response (there will be a provision for a small number of adds/removes/changes in the lead-up to the school year) 

We will provide an Offer Letter to set out further details in the coming weeks, but we wanted to confirm the effective price now to help inform your responses to the Ministry of Education before communications go to connected households. To participate in this offer, you’ll need to sign the Offer Letter.  

* We will confirm the offer construct soon – it is likely to be an upfront credit with clawback. This fits in with our existing incentive constructs and will minimise manual effort for all parties.  


Key benefits  

In the absence of an extension of the COVID-19 MOE Broadband Support Response, this interim offer will provide some medium-term certainty to existing connected households who wish to continue their service, until a sustainable digital equity product can be created. 


Next steps 

If you wish to participate in the offer, please contact your account team or Nick Jensen and we will ensure you are provided with further details as soon as they are available. 



If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact Nick Jensen