
Consultation: Chorus consumer incentives for FY24

Incentives provide us with the opportunity to reward and recognise service providers to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. We are commencing a review of our existing consumer portfolio incentives and want to ensure we have an effective incentive framework in place for our new financial year (from 1 July 2023) that will help your business succeed. 

Your feedback is important to us, and we’d like to hear your views on our current consumer incentives (e.g. Mix it Up) and your thoughts about what is required for an effective incentive framework. Consultation is open now until 7 December  2022.  


Next steps

Please provide feedback via this form by 7 December 2022, or contact your account team to arrange a meeting to discuss further. 

Following the consultation, we will collate and process the feedback internally before providing you with a summary of the feedback in January. Your feedback at this early stage will be used to help us ensure our incentive programme is effective for RSPs and Chorus, that we will look to share with you in Q1 2023.