
Introducing Copper Bulk Handover transfer fee

The new Copper Bulk Handover Transfer Service is being introduced to assist RSPs and Resellers transferring copper services between Handover Points in specific circumstances. 

This one-off fee will apply in the following scenarios; 

  • RSP moving customers from the Handover Points of an RSP, it has acquired, onto its own Handover Points. 
  • Reseller moving its entire copper base of End Users to another Reseller or RSP.  
  • An RSP outsourcing its customer base to a Reseller for support and management. 


The detail 

Pricing is applied per destination Handover Point, irrespective of the number of End User services being transferred. Where multiple Handover Points are involved both parties will be responsible for providing supporting details. 

Inflight orders connected to the Handover Point that is migrating may need to be handled as an exception via the BAU process. 

8-week window, all Connection transfers will need to be submitted and completed within this window. 

Standard transfer rate of $8.53 will apply for any BAU move not included in the bulk transfer, and to any transfer order not completed within 8-week window.  

Both parties are responsible for providing confirmed list of customers, Handover IDs and Access Seeker IDs (ASID).



A fixed fee per destination Handover Point will be applied to Bulk Handover Transfer requests, and a credit applied for the individual transfer fees for the agreed services.

$500 for migration to a 1G Handover 

$1000 for migration to a 10G Handover 

Example (existing price model) 

500 customers transferred @ $8.53 = $4265 

Example (new price model) 

500 customers transferring to 1G handover, we would apply $4265 credit and add a $500 one-off fee. 

500 customers transferring to 10G handover, we would apply a $4265 credit and add $1000 one-off fee. 



Get in touch with your account team to discuss bulk handover requests you may have.