
HSNS Premium and HSNS Lite fibre circuits - discontinuation of media converters

Media converters – used to convert fibre optic cable to twisted pair for supporting ethernet compatible devices - are used in HSNS Premium and HSNS Lite Fibre circuits.

Depending on the type of circuit, media converters can be installed within the customers premise &/or the local exchange (refer to table below).

Media converters

Our supplier has informed us of their intention to discontinue media converters as they are unable to source required components used in manufacturing this product.

Thankfully, based on existing demand, we estimate our stock of media converters will last until the end of July 2021.

Our aim is to discontinue media converters and associated products from August 2021. This means you will no longer be able to order new HSNS Premium or HSNS Lite fibre circuits using media converters from August 2021 and the proposed options below will apply to existing HSNS circuits using media converters.

Note: HSNS Premium Glass and HSNS Lite Fibre Glass – highlighted yellow in the above table – will continue to be retained and available as an alternative option.


Existing HSNS Premium & HSNS Lite fibre connections

For existing HSNS Premium & HSNS Lite fibre connections with media converters installed, it means that:

  • Changes to HSNS Premium &/or HSNS Lite fibre circuits can continue to occur up until August 2021. This is irrespective of whether the change impacts media converters or otherwise.
  • Changes to HSNS Premium &/or HSNS Lite fibre circuits can continue to occur after August 2021, as long as the change does not impact media converters.
  • For any changes that occur after August 2021 that impact media converters, there are two options:
    1. Move the customer to HSNS Premium Glass or HSNS Lite fibre glass. ‘Glass’ means the fibre includes a connector, which is simply plugged into the customers CPE with a compatible interface.
    2. Migrate the customer from HSNS Premium or HSNS Lite Fibre to NGA Business Premium (Enhanced Bitstream 4). This change can occur within all regions where NGA Business Premium is available.

New HSNS Premium & HSNS Lite fibre connections

  • Moves, Adds and Changes (MAC’s) can occur on new HSNS Premium &/or HSNS Lite fibre connections added until August 2021.
  • No further HSNS Premium or HSNS Lite fibre circuits can be added that include media converters after August 2021.

We seek your feedback on this approach by 12 August 2020. 

Please get in touch with at first instance.

Thank you for your time and support.

Your Chorus Business Team