
Fibre Intact Abandonments – trialling a new Objection Handling process

On 2 August we will begin a 3-month trial of a new ‘Objection Handling’ process designed to connect customers to an intact Fibre ONT when their service is delayed after moving into a home.

These delays have a large impact on customer satisfaction with the Intact experience.


The Objection Handling process will be used when the end-customer has already moved into a new home, but the Gaining Service Provider (GSP) is unable to create / complete a connection order against the intact ONT. 

This could be due to one of the following reasons;

  1. The Existing RSP (LSP - Losing Service Provider) has rejected an Abandonment request from Chorus, or
  2. The Existing RSP (LSP) has accepted an Abandonment request, but set the disconnection date into the future, beyond the change of occupancy date, or
  3. The New RSP (GSP) is unable to place Abandonment request as there is an open Disconnect order with a future date, beyond the change of occupancy date.

Trial details 

From 2 August we will start the trial for the ‘Objection Handling’ process. 

To initiate the Objection Handling process the following criteria must be met; 

  1. The end-customer must be residing in the premises at the time the process is initiated, 
  2. The GSP must have attempted to place a Connect and Replace order whenever possible
    1. Exception applies if there is an Open Disconnect order as the GSP will be unable to place a Connect and Replace order.
  3. The outcome of the attempted Connect and Replace order meant that the new end-customer would be without service after their move;
    1. i.e. The Abandonment request was rejected by the LSP, or the Disconnection date was future dated to after the change of occupation date.

If the GSP can provide evidence that the new end-customer has moved into the new premises, we can fast track the connection to get that customer connected to fibre. 

Midway through the Trial, we will provide reporting on the effectiveness of the process. This reporting and an RSP update will be scheduled for 21 September 2021.

Full details of the process and the evidence requirements can be found in the attached presentation


For any queries or feedback, please contact the Intacts team at