
Chorus Data Centre Connect (CDCC) - new nodes update

In January we informed you of a date change to introduce two Auckland nodes and one Wellington node to our Chorus Data Centre Connect (CDCC).

The Wellington node is on track for being available to order from 1 May 2023. Unfortunately, due to continued reasons outside of our control we have had to delay the target 1 May 2023 launch for the two Auckland nodes. 

We apologise for the inconvenience caused and we will keep you informed as soon as we have clarity on the Auckland node launch date. 

Available to order from 1 May: 

  • Xtreme Data Centre, Thorndon Quay Wellington     

Coming soon:  

  • Canberra Data Centre Silverdale   
  • Canberra Data Centre Hobsonville 



If you have any questions regarding this, please get in touch with your account team.