
Chorus Customer update session

A big thank you to those of you who joined our update session held over MS Teams on 24 April 2024. We appreciate the opportunity to engage with you and share updates about Chorus, our key priorities and to engage in Q&A.  

For those who couldn’t join, here is a recording of the session.  


Questions answered  

We received some great questions during the session which we’ve taken away and have answered in more detail for you in this Q&A document. If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your account team for more information.    


Feedback welcome  

The feedback we’ve had for hosting a regular RSP update session has been overwhelmingly positive. We’ll schedule a second session for October this year, following our full year results announcement in September. We encourage feedback on what you’d like to hear more or less of during our next sharing session.  



If you have any feedback or would like to discuss anything from the presentation in more detail, please contact your account team.