
New research released by Chorus and NZ IoT Alliance

We partnered with NZ IoT Alliance to survey their members to understand what is driving the demand for high bandwidth fibre connectivity to non-premise IoT infrastructure assets, where connectivity investments are being made and how the benefits of high bandwidth connectivity are being realised. This week we released the findings of our research in a report ‘Solving problems with fibre-enabled IoT’

The research findings

The research showed the significant growth opportunity and innovation potential for IoT. Nearly half of our country’s technology leaders (48%) are currently investing or intend to invest in high-bandwidth non-premise IoT.  

The research also shows the future-proofing mentality of NZ’s technology leaders, as better integration with new tools like AI, cloud and edge computing is the number one driver of high-bandwidth non-premise IoT. Nearly a quarter (24%) of organisations have already integrated their IoT with AI, while 38% plan to do this in the near future.  

The research validates several use cases of high bandwidth IoT, emerging from weather resilience, improved road and traffic infrastructure planning and monitoring, public safety, and security, to waterway and utility infrastructure monitoring. Alongside improving citizen and customer experiences, these use cases help to increase productivity and provide real cost savings. 


New report: Solving problems with fibre-enabled IoT

Smart Locations whitepaper


In our report we explore how external infrastructure assets are evolving into advanced IoT applications, enhancing public services and operational efficiencies, and discuss the pivotal role of fibre and Smart Locations in enhancing the capability of critical real-time and data hungry IoT networks outside traditional premises, offering reliable, flexible and scalable connectivity. The report includes five leading case studies of fibre-enabled IoT.  

To access the full report of insights into technology leaders’ views on IoT investments and some industry leading case studies, visit our website.


Sales and marketing support 

The report will be promoted via paid, owned and earned channels targeting technology decision makers over the coming weeks. 

If you want to discuss connectivity for your customers’ big bandwidth IoT projects, please get in touch with your account team. You can also find out more about Smart Locations here.