
Changes to February release and ONT testing

We want to inform you of an important update regarding our upcoming Portal/B2B release (previously communicated here). After carefully considering the feedback and concerns raised by several service providers, we have made the decision to split the release into two phases. This adjustment is designed to address concerns regarding the timeline. 

Based on the feedback we received, it became clear that the initial timeline for a single release was challenging for some impacted service providers, especially with the Christmas brownouts. In light of this, we believe that dividing the release into two manageable phases is the best approach. 

Here's how the split will work: 

Release 1: Network changes (11 February 2024) 

The first phase will focus on delivering the network changes. This approach allows us to provide the end customer benefits while delaying Service Provider system-impacting changes. We believe this will be particularly beneficial to those who have expressed concerns about the original timeline. 

Release 2: Portal and B2B changes (17 March 2024) 

The second phase will deliver the system changes. This two-phase approach ensures that you will have more time for testing and implementing the changes. 

We are committed to keeping you well-informed throughout this process. Please look through the updated pack to make sure that you understand how this has changed, and what that means for you. The RSP Roadmap will also be updated with this when we publish at the beginning of November. 

While this change may require some adjustments in your plans and schedules, we believe that it is in the best interest of the projects and our customers. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and support with this change in plan. 


2nd Gen Hyperfibre ONT testing 

We have also made the call to delay RSP testing of the 2nd Gen Hyperfibre ONT until March/April 2024. This decision was made for several reasons, but with the full launch being delayed and the amount of change coming up, it makes sense. 



If you have any questions, concerns, or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Chorus account team.