
Broadband 2020 updates

Informer 370: 13 June 2016

Following our Broadband 2020 Dialogue in April, we’ve made some further progress on the product strategy and would like to share some future release dates with you.

What's happening?

You gave us some great feedback after the Dialogue session in April that has really helped to shape what a post 2020 world might look like.

We have a number of updates for you this month, so we’ve created a release timeline so that you have visability of what’s ahead.

What's the detail?

16 June - New fibre provisioning SLAs for industry feedback

22 June - Proposed pricing for services post 2020

29 June - Layer 1 GPON presentation

30 June - Update on Install Support Offer

Who should I contact?

For more information please contact your Account Manager.