
Basic VDSL upgrade offer

Informer 369: 13 June 2016

From 28 June you can upgrade your existing ADSL customers to Basic VDSL without incurring connection charges when you order connection only.

What's happening?

While moving consumers to Chorus fibre is always our ultimate goal, we know that 58% of people on our network could benefit from faster broadband.

VDSL plays an important role in our quest to bring New Zealand better broadband. It’s perfect for those who want improved broadband immediately, or as a ‘while you wait for fibre’ option.

With so many homes and businesses currently on ADSL that now have access to better broadband we’ve developed a nationwide upgrade offer for Basic VDSL.

From 28 June 2016 until 28 June 2017 we’ll credit you back the connection only change plan cost and provide a credit of up to $80 ($40 credit applied at 6 months and $40 credit applied at 12 months) as a contribution towards the cost of a modem for every connection migrated outside Chorus UFB areas.

What's the detail?

You’ll need to sign up to be eligible for our Basic VDSL upgrade offer. You’re welcome to view the Offer Letter on our website. Your Account Manager will be in touch to discuss it in more detail.

Once you've signed, we'll provide you with a list of your existing ADSL connections that are capable of VDSL. You can manage the connection upgrades and migrations via BAU processes (by submitting a broadband change plan order in Wireline).

We will then identify the charges applied for those ASIDs and apply credits to cover:

  1. Connection only cost for UBA change plan (as per STD price list); and
  2. Up to $80.00 credit to contribute towards modem cost for every connection migrated outside Chorus UFB areas ($40 credit applied at 6 months and $40 credit applied at 12 months).

Please note, there are some exclusions:

  • Boost VDSL
  • New connection, move address, transition and disconnection orders
  • Connection and wiring; and connection, wiring and modem installations
  • Issues due to internal premise wiring and/or CPE

Analysis of Chorus network data shows that 97% of households that upgrade to VDSL will get more than 12Mbps.*

*Source: Chorus network data

Who should I contact?

If you would like to provide feedback on the offer please don't hesitate to get in touch with your Account Manager before 28 June 2016.